
Having a rough day... (vent)

I am probably going to sound like a huge complainer but I really need to vent. I am so sick and tired of my job and my doctors. I have been having some pretty bad fainting spells where I will literally pass out on the floor. The doctor sent me to a cardiologist who said I need to try to keep myself somewhere that I can lay down right away when I have these spells. Well my regular ob doesnt seem concerned what so ever. I mentioned going on modified bedrest or coming out of work since I work 9+ hours a day but "no we feel like you are doing fine." Wonderful. So my work has this crazy adherence policy that basically you can only miss a certain number of days or you are at risk for termination (makes sense just very hard in this situation) and of course I am at the line right now! My boss (who just had a baby) is not understanding what so ever because she had a perfect pregnancy and said I basically need to suck it up.  She even gave me hell about going to the bathroom too much during the day!! I am so upset because when I pass out... I have to leave work... so I asked my doctor about an FMLA claim to save my job on days when I have to leave early and he said "Ive never heard of this but whatever send it to me and I will sign it.." and surprise.... he didnt sign it! I am so frusterated today and feel like I am going to have a huge meltdown.. but dont worry Ill be right here at work doing it... I know things are just going to get worse but I am stressed to the max at this point! Sorry about the crazy vent..
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Re: Having a rough day... (vent)

  • Oh no that is terrible! Do you see a peri too? If not you should...i'd bet they'd give you the documentation you need. Because things are going to get harder. So sorry you are going through this. I fainted once while pg and it was terrifying, cant imagine frequent spells. Good luck!
  • Um...ok first thing is....I would be finding a new OB at this point.  If you are having fainting spells where you literally pass out, that's a problem.  Any doctor that thinks it's not is insane!  I remember you saying that your boss had no sympathy even though she just had a baby, and that's major suckage as well. I wish I had some other advice or way to help you, but you HAVE to take care of those babies and yourself.  Big hugs, cry all you want's totally justified!
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  • I agree w/ PP as I would be looking into a new OB, passing out during pregnancy is NOT normal and should not be taken lightly.  Plus considering you are having twins, there will most likely be a time you won't be able to work 9+ hrs a day, so what does your boss expect you to do then????  A FMLA leave is warrented in this situation (a past co-worker of mine got one b/c she needed time to take care of her ailing mother with Alzheimers) so if I were you I would call yoru company's HR department and get some information to protect your rights.


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  • I'm so sorry you are going through this, it sounds like a stressful situation, which you clearly don't need since you are pregnant with twins! I would look into getting a new OB or going to see an MFM. You should be able to take an FMLA leave for this. Also, it's completely not okay for your boss to complain to you about going to the bathroom - you technically have a temporary disability...and your employer has to treat you as they would be required to treat someone with any other disability.
  • Your boss sounds like a real peach. Find a new OB or better yet, go see a MFM. If you don't feel you're getting the care you deserve it's up to you to do something about it. I vote MFM :) That's not okay that your OB is taking this so lightly.

    I'm sorry you're having to deal with all this crap.

    Mom to six awesome kids - Levi is 12, Landen is 8, Gabrielle is 6, Lucas is 3, and Oliver and Samuel are 2 years old. Love my crew. Baby Birthday Ticker TickerBaby Birthday Ticker Ticker
  • I agree with PPs, I'd be finding a new OB and I'd seek the advice of a MFM.  I'm so sorry you are going through this and having trouble at work on top of it.  Sometimes people with perfect singleton pregnancies just don't understand what all is involved in a high risk multiple pregnancy.  Good luck and don't stop until you get someone to listen to you so you can get some answers - passing out while pregnant is NOT normal!
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  • I just have to chime in here about this. I feel awful for you because passing out is not OK, like other posters said...I would be afraid that you would fall down in a way that would put your belly in danger. It might be hard to change docs now, but your OB is being alarmingly dismissive so I would just say goodbye to him. And this guy is supposed to deliver your babies, think about that. 

    I also have a huge beef with the way your company/boss is treating you.   I happen to work for a large company that is staffed with some very incompetent a-holes in their HR department so this is my sore spot. HR needs to know that your boss is bullying and threatening you but they can't do that unless the know what's going on. Unless your bathroom breaks are that disruptive to productivity, your boss really has no right to complain and HR may have to intervene to tell her to ease up on you.  You probably shouldn't be there at all considering your passing out so call HR right away and get on Short Term Disability. Once that runs out, you go on FMLA and that by law guarantees your job as long as you return at the appropriate time.

    sorry such a long reponse.  Bottom line is to get away from people who are mistreating you.  Your health and well-being are way too important now to put up with people being dismissive or unsympathetic to your needs.

    Lotta in's, lotta out's, lotta what-have-you's
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