Here is the link to the store. The seller just said on Facebook she'll be stocking another "Hoot" print today. I reallyyy want it! I will update this post when she stocks her store with a direct link to the diaper.
I am a housewife so I am home during the day to return stalking help!
ETA: I am not entirely sure how busy her stockings are, I just really want this print! I remember last time she stocked, a few prints sold out really quickly and some others didn't (some are even still around).
ETA again: Link to live listing HERE.
Re: Stalking help requested today at 2pm (HC time)
I am not sure what happened. I added it to my cart and it showed in my cart, but when I went back to the main page it still showed as available. I didn't want to screw anything up so I deleted it from my cart and I'll just wait until when it's supposed to be available.
ETA: She fixed it! Help still requested
A Frog, A Monkey and a Ladybug
I'll check this post immediately after trying for it at 2pm. If you were able to get it in your cart, just post here and I will PM you my address and I can PP immediately too. I just want to limit the amount of people I give out my address too so that's why I'm not super comfortable with PMing everyone my address ahead of time, if that makes sense.
Thank you!
Thank you! I think it went through. It's showing that it's sold out and I got a receipt from PayPal.