We have a 3:30 appointment tomorrow with a allergist and a dermatologist. Any reccomendations of what they are going to say or do ?
Apparently its a class. Jasper's excema is so flared on his legs and I can't wait to have some allergy tests done on him.
Re: Meeting with allergist tomorrow
I did the skin test when I was younger and it was so painful and I have such bad memories of it. Will not be doing it for my boys
We did skin testing for M. They found out her peanut milk, egg and walnut allergies through that. They did blood test after to confirm it. I was reading in an allergy book that skin testing isn't as accurate with kids with sensitive skin. So I'm wondering if we had to go through the skin testing. It's just so hard having to keep them standing up without lying on their back for so long.
I don't know what we will be doing now since we changed insurances. With our previous allergist we did both skin and blood test.
When we met with a dermatologist (separately) they pretty much gave us the hydrocortisone cream. Since they thought it was a skin issue vs. an allergy issue.
Lots of luck. I don't know if you guys treat your grass or have a gardener who might but when Andrew was younger we had a lot of excema problems with him and every time we went to my dads house his legs turned into one big, scaly mess. We're slow on the uptake so it took us a few visits before I finally figured out that their gardener must be treating the grass with something because as soon as he hit the grass, poof massive rash.
I found that when we were down there if slathered him with lotion prior to going outside it acted as a bit of a barrier and then we did hydrocortisone after they were done outside and then a good think coat of lotion at night.
It was just so funny to us that we didn't have the same problem at home. Luckily now that he's older we only have slight issues to contend with. I hope that Jasper has an easily solvable problem.