
c-section moms? how long did your incision hurt?

I had my c/s on June 1. I was fine/healed within 2 weeks and my incision check was great. But since Monday, my incision area has been hurting. First I thought it was because my clothes were rubbing against it, but even after wearing looser clothes, it hurts--it's like a stinging/sharp pain, and it's when I walk around, move and even cough or use my ab muscles. Wondering if this is normal/warrants a call to my ob?
My babies!! Patrick Aydin, 9.24.07, and Alia Noor, 6.1.11 imageimage

Re: c-section moms? how long did your incision hurt?

  • Has it gotten progressively better, worse, or stayed the same throughout the month?

    My incision was sore for a while and felt "weird" (for lack of a better term) for many months, but never a stinging pain. . . that would make me think "infection."

    I'm not a worrier, but a stinging pain (as opposed to just a sore pain) would make me take notice.

    I was able to go back to my regular workout routine (including ab exercises) after my 6 week appointment, so the wound pain was definitely done by that point.

    imageimage Ashley Sawtelle Photography
  • Adhesions.

    I can still feel mine pulling if I move in certain ways and DD is 2.5. You are probably overdoing things. You're only a month out from major abdominal surgery. Slow down, don't lift anything and let yourself heal.

    If it gets worse or continues, I'd call just to be safe.

    AKA KnittyB*tch
    DS - December 2006
    DD - December 2008

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  • It got sore for at least a couple months after. It is a major surgery. Just try to take it easy (I know, easier said than done with two little ones). Do call your OB if you're concerned - they're there to answer questions!
  • it was fine and then started stinging a couple of days ago, and has gotten worse since then. But the scar itself looks fine, which is why I'm confused. We did have an active few days and the baby's been difficult, so that's probably it.
    My babies!! Patrick Aydin, 9.24.07, and Alia Noor, 6.1.11 imageimage
  • I'm gonna say it again. You're only a month out from MAJOR ABDOMINAL SURGERY. Don't do too much or you will land yourself back in the hospital.

    I don't know why people act as though c/sections aren't surgery like any other. If you'd had colon cancer surgery, would you expect yourself to be 100% normal after 1 month? I don't think so. <rant over>

    Now take better care of yourself.

    AKA KnittyB*tch
    DS - December 2006
    DD - December 2008

  • I had my 3rd c/s the day before you had your's (DS was born 5/31). I don't have the same pain you described, I just have tenderness to the entire area, including my pubic region. Occasionally, I have a sharp pain, but not as much as you, it seems. Definitely ask your dr.
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  • justEKjustEK member
    I would call. It doesn't sound like you've been taking it easy. If something is wrong, you want to catch it early.
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