I had my c/s on June 1. I was fine/healed within 2 weeks and my incision check was great. But since Monday, my incision area has been hurting. First I thought it was because my clothes were rubbing against it, but even after wearing looser clothes, it hurts--it's like a stinging/sharp pain, and it's when I walk around, move and even cough or use my ab muscles. Wondering if this is normal/warrants a call to my ob?
My babies!!
Patrick Aydin, 9.24.07, and Alia Noor, 6.1.11
Re: c-section moms? how long did your incision hurt?
Has it gotten progressively better, worse, or stayed the same throughout the month?
My incision was sore for a while and felt "weird" (for lack of a better term) for many months, but never a stinging pain. . . that would make me think "infection."
I'm not a worrier, but a stinging pain (as opposed to just a sore pain) would make me take notice.
I was able to go back to my regular workout routine (including ab exercises) after my 6 week appointment, so the wound pain was definitely done by that point.
I can still feel mine pulling if I move in certain ways and DD is 2.5. You are probably overdoing things. You're only a month out from major abdominal surgery. Slow down, don't lift anything and let yourself heal.
If it gets worse or continues, I'd call just to be safe.
DS - December 2006
DD - December 2008
I'm gonna say it again. You're only a month out from MAJOR ABDOMINAL SURGERY. Don't do too much or you will land yourself back in the hospital.
I don't know why people act as though c/sections aren't surgery like any other. If you'd had colon cancer surgery, would you expect yourself to be 100% normal after 1 month? I don't think so. <rant over>
Now take better care of yourself.
DS - December 2006
DD - December 2008