Let me start by saying we have not done allergy testing or been diagnosed with anything yet, but I'm curious:
When DD turned 1 we started letting her have peanut butter and other things with peanuts in it...I saw the pedi AFTER we had already started and he said "Oh you really should wait till she's two". Well she had only had Peanut products a few times at that point but had not had a reaction.
A few days later I fed her peanut butter on a waffle and she broke out in hives. She was also taking an antibiotic and we learned that she was allergic to the antibiotic. we took her off the meds and the hives started to subside, but a few days later I gave her Peanut Butter again and she broke out again, worse. So we stopped giving her PB., this has been maybe a month or 6 weeks ago.
We have a pedi appointment tomorrow for her 15 month check up and I'll discuss it with him then but I was curious: Could a peanut allergy show up after she had already had peanut products a handful of times and NOT reacted?
And if we DO have a peanut allergy, where do I go from here?
Re: Question re: Peanut Allergy
Thanks for the response and I think you're right, I'll feel much better if I get a TRUE answer as to what her allergy is.
Her older sister is allergic to penicillin, so when she reacted at first, we all said "Oh, it's got to be the anitbiotics" (amoxycillin) and the reaction died down so we thought that was the end of it, but then the peanuts made the hives come back and worse.
We definitely have avoided (and will continue to avoid) all nut products until we know for sure.
i second this. just make an allergy appointment and have her tested so you know. Until then -avoid avoid avoid.. i would avoid tree nuts also.
Agree with these girls. It is scary how reactions can get worse! Sorry you are dealing with this.