Cloth Diapering

Drying time for AIOs?

Debating between fitteds with covers and pocket diapers... drying time came up. Does it take an absurdly long time to dry fitteds? I live in CO and would be line drying in the summer, at least (and it's very dry here), so it doesn't take long with regular clothing, but is it practical to do that with the fitteds?

Edit: I did mean fitteds, not AIOs! Oops :)

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Re: Drying time for AIOs?

  • Well I'm in CO too! I actually have some AIO diapers in the wash now and am going to line dry after! I will let you know the outcome ;)
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  • I will give you a comparison of BG AIOs and BG pockets (since the materials are the same for both so comparing apples to apples).  I had the pockets first and love them. The pockets dry in no time, and the MF inserts dry after a few hours in the sun.

    I recently bought some BG AIOs.  They take FOREVER to dry.  I live in South Florida where it is VERY hot. I put them on the clothesline and after 8 hours in full intense sun, they still are not dry. The insert doesn't get any air/sun from one side because they are blocked by the PUL.  I have to either move them inside and let dry for another day (not practical if I washed my whole stash because I jsut don't have the space for that), or put them in the dryer after being on the line for 8 hours.  The other day it was raining so I put them straight in the dryer with no line time and it took 2 full cycles - about 2 hours - to dry them. 

    It is a pain!  I still love the AIOs though because its really nice to not have to stuff the pockets.  So with pockets yu ahve the PITA of stuffing them, or with AIOs you have the PITA of extra drying time.  Pick your poision :-)  FYI, I bought my AIOs as reapirables ($6 each) or Last chance diapers ($2 each) from Cotton Babies so have jsut resigned myself to drying them and if they end up not lasting forever that's fine too. 

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    History of IF and 2.5 years TTC. The day we were to start our first IUI we received a call that changed our lives forever and 10 month old Olivia joined our family. Shortly thereafter we got a surprise BFP and baby 2 is due July 5, 2012

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  • I just re-read your question - you said you are deciding between AIOs with covers, and pocket diapers.  Just FYI, you don't use a cover with an AIO.  An AIO by definition doesn't need a cover.  You would use a cover with prefolds or fitteds and in my expereicne those do not take nearly as long to dry as do AIOs (because you don't have PUL on one side blocking the air), but do take longer than a pocket diaper.  You probably know this and I wasn't sure how to read your original question btu thought I shoudl clarify. 

    So drying time: pockets = quickest. Prefolds or fitteds, next in line. AIOs = FOREVER.

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    History of IF and 2.5 years TTC. The day we were to start our first IUI we received a call that changed our lives forever and 10 month old Olivia joined our family. Shortly thereafter we got a surprise BFP and baby 2 is due July 5, 2012

  • My stash consists of all AIO's. If you want a quick dying AIO, you should look into Tots Bots Easy fits, we love them and they are super absorbent and dry really quickly. We also love that it's bamboo touching LO's bum. 

    We also have BG Elementals AIO. We love this diaper. I was worried about the dry time initially and was hesitant to purchase these, but I got a great tip from a woman on this board. She said to turn the AIO in on itself (the soaker isn't sewn all the way in, it's a loop) so there is half of the soaker on each outside side of the diaper. (I hope that makes sense!) It has cut my dry time in half. :)

    sam & arlo 

  • avaleiavalei member

    Oops, yes, I meant fitteds, not AIOs. I'm going to blame baby brain, because I can! We are looking at doing a bunch of these guys:

    with some sort of cover... a friend recommended Flips, or may make some and/or use wool soakers. 

    So fitteds - longer dry time than pockets, but not too terrible? I would guess a bit longer than prefolds, as well. 

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