Things have gotten easier....A is sleeping 5-7 hour stretches (in his PNP, instead of on me), nursing less often, but really well and I have gotten more confident with nursing out and about, so we can get out more.
We just have to now conquer Evan's new behavior of hitting. We started a 1-2 minute time out, and this seems to be somewhat working. I am open to any ideas. We try to tell him No and explain to him that we do not hit people (or the dog) and that it hurts, but he just laughs and gets more ramped up. I am sure that this is a method of trying to get attention, since it has escalated in the past few weeks. We each take time each day to do one on one time with him and DH has been taking him out a lot, but it is not the same as when he was the only one.
Re: Difference a week makes :)
Thanks for posting this!
I'm now feeling the full glory of sleep deprivation. Baby E has a period of wakefullness beginning between 2 and 3am until about 5 - when Claire wakes up. Other than that, I've been sleeping in 1.5 hour snippets. I've been bad about letting DH help, and when he does, I don't really sleep anyway.
I needed to be reminded it gets easier!
We do timeout for a minute or two and at the end tell her again why she was in timeout and make her say, "sorry mommy for not listening" or whatever the offense was. Sometimes we have to repeat timeouts a few times before she is calmed down enough (she's a girl, i.e. very dramatic!)
I think you just have to be consistent and eventually he'll get it.
I'm so glad A is sleeping better!!
Not sure how old Evan is, but with Chelsea we have started a behavior chart. She has five behaviors that she tries to earn 'stars' for each day: Listening, No Hitting/Kicking/etc, Picking Up Her Toys, Using Good Manners, and Being Nice to Molly. We talk about each behavior at bedtime and if she gets all 5 stars she earns a prize. I filled a bag up with dollar spot stuff that she picked out at Target. We originally did 4 out of 5 but it has been a while so we upped it to all 5 last week. This method seems very motivating for her.
I still use timeout sparingly as well. If she needs to be asked or told something repeatedly and doesn't listen, or if she blatantly hits Molly or something like that, then she gets a 3 minute timeout (I follow 1 min for each year of age). I just pick her up, carry her to timeout, and tell her when she hears the timer she can come out. When she comes out we talk about why she got the timeout and she almost always apologizes on her own. I never MAKE her say sorry, I want her to learn that on her own and to really mean it.
Like you said, a lot of these behaviors are attention-seeking. It must be really hard for our LOs to share us after so long of being the only one!
Yup, we have been doing this too...hopefully it starts sinking in soon
Sure! I do believe that sleep deprivation is the hardest part of things. Each day has gotten easier and the weeks are flying. Keep up the great work Momma and yes, do let your DH help!
Glad things are getting better!
Bub is hitting now too-he hits us, the dog, himself. It is typically more of a "pat" than a hit and he is doing it to get a reaction. Hopefully we can hault that behavior by September when he goes to PreK-I don't want him to be the kid running around hitting everyone. UGH.