If you're new, let us know the basics - when did you start TTC, what is your diagnosis/suspicion, where are you at in the process/next steps? Please let us know if you have upcoming treatments, so we can check in with you on a more regular basis during that time. Also read this check-in often the first week it is posted so we can answer everyone's questions. (It seems prolonged to have someone ask a question in this post and not have it answered until next month's check-in!) Finally, if you have suggestions about what else should be included in the check-in or changes, throw them out there!
Currently Trying to Get Pregnant!
KRoseToes (December 2008)
Diagnosis - Severe MFI, Late ovulation, Short LP
Current status - Saving money for IVF/ICIS, researching adoption options.
Purvalicious (May 2009)
Diagnosis - Polyp
Current Status ? Successful polypectomy in February, possible IUI this summer
tst1998 (June 2009)
Diagnosis ? Unexplained
Current status ? IUIs unsuccessful, moving onto IVF this summer
suzie711 (TTC #2)
Diagnosis ? Unexplained - amenorrhea
Current status ? Will start IF treatments when first child is 2; currently in the not preventing stage and seeing naturopath.
girlofsummer78 (September 2009)
Diagnosis ? Unexplained
Current status ? IUIs unsuccessful, first IVF unsuccessful
N.CarolinaGirl (TTC #2 - October 2008)
Diagnosis - No ovulation despite LH surge, MFI
Current status ? Doctor suggested trying Metaformin
Theresab (Thinking about TTC #2)
Diagnosis ? Unknown, but endometriosis may contribute
Current status ? First child conceived on 2nd IUI, with Femara and acupuncture; currently in the not preventing stage
Angelinmind (September 2008)
Diagnosis ? Unexplained so far
Current status ? Variety of testing
HopingForMyFirstBaby (April 2010)
Diagnosis ? Severe MFI
Current status ? Saving money for IVF/ICIS and researching clinics
xxbblueangel (March 2009)
Diagnosis - PCO on the ovaries, LH secretion syndrome, Androgen issues, very small uterus
Current status ? Unknown
Success Stories!
MrsH_08 (October 2008)
Diagnosis - Late ovulation, short LP, don't produce enough follicles, low morphology
Current status ? Mommy to a boy thanks to successful IVF#2!
JDCSKF (TTC #2 - September 2006)
Diagnosis - Homozygous MTHFR, two copies of C667T, hyperhomocysteinemia
Current status ? Now a Mommy to 2 girls!
Mrs.Kiltlifter (2008)
Diagnosis - Severe MFI, non-obstructive azoospermia
Current Status - 8 IUI cycles and Mommy to boy/girl twins!
WatchPot (TTC #2 - 2008)
Diagnosis ? Blocked tube
Current Status ? Pregnant several unsuccessful IUIs and one successful IVF!
m&m823 (TTC #2)
Diagnosis - PCOS, Short LP
Current status ?Got pregnant after using Metformin, Now Mommy to 2 kids!!
MrandMrs07 (October 2008)
Diagnosis ? Idiopathic infertility
Current status ? Pregnant after IUI #3
1) Where are you at in the process/what is your next step?
2) What are you doing fun this month that is non-IF related?
3) Any vents/confessions?
4) Any questions you'd like to ask the other ladies?
Re: July Infertility Check-in (SAIFW)
1) Where are you at in the process/what is your next step? We had a busy June. Now that all our company is gone we have time to contact our insurance to see if they'll pay for variococele surgery for DH. I'm not confident which is probably why I've been reluctant to start the process.
2) What are you doing fun this month that is non-IF related? Not sure. We had a busy June and a good 4th of July weekend. Now it's time to relax for a couple of weeks. I need to plan a small camping trip for early August and a bigger camping trip over Labor Day Weekend.
3) Any vents/confessions? I want kids more than anything. But I do appreciate the fact that we still have the ability to make last minute plans and do fun things without worrying about kid-friendly activities or schedules. Believe me, I would trade that ability in a heartbeat, but I can appreciate it right now. (We had a great, spur-of-the-moment trip to Eastern Washington this past weekend.)
4) Any questions you'd like to ask the other ladies? Not this month!
1) Where are you at in the process/what is your next step?Last break cycle before IVF in August. Unfortunately DH is out of town CD 10-16, so not much hope for a surprise BFP. I'm so ready to get a move on here. 2) What are you doing fun this month that is non-IF related?San Diego this weekend for FSIL's bachelorette party. DH is staying down there to work for a week, so I get a week to myself. No other plans for this month, we're hoping to go to Montana for a long weekend at the beginning of August, but that will depend on our IVF schedule. 3) Any vents/confessions?I have one friend in particular who keeps telling me she knows this is going to work for me, and while I appreciate her enthusiasm and optimism, I really don't want to hear it. I don't know that it is going to work for me. My doctor doesn't know that it is going to work for me. I love that she is supportive, I just wish she would express her support differently. 4) Any questions you'd like to ask the other ladies?Any one who has done IVF, how did you decide whether or not to do ICSI? We have unexplained IF, so good response to injectables with IUI, good sperm count. Technically we don't *need* ICSI, but I'm wondering if a $3000 is worth it to guarantee something fertilizes, or if I'm just being overly-anxious.
TTC #1 since 2009 with unexplained infertility
IUI#1-4 Jan.-Apr. 2011 = BFNs
IVF#1 Aug. 2011 = c/p, FET #1 Nov. 2011 = c/p, FET #2 April 2012 = BFP!
Beta #1 = 153, Beta #2 = 269, Beta #3 = 675
1st U/S = TWINS!! EDD 12/29/12
my blog: Journey to Somewhere
April IVF Spring Chicks
Current status ? Success after IVF #1, Son born 8/1/09. TTC - charting since 2/1/2011. Probably start IVF #2 early 2012.
1) Where are you at in the process/what is your next step? TTC charting and OPKs, lots of fun sex to practice. I wanted to be pregant by August, but with selling our house and moving into the new one, I can't take on an IVF cycle as well...so sad about that.
2) What are you doing fun this month that is non-IF related? Trying to make the most of living in this temp condo while our house is finished. The fun part - picking out all the stuff for our new house, shopping for furniture...planning the garden...
3) Any vents/confessions? Trying not to get depressed again for not being pregnant again this month...
4) Any questions you'd like to ask the other ladies? How do I make it through another IVF cycle, this time with a very active toddler?
Purvalicious (May 2009)
Diagnosis - Polyp
Current Status ? Successful polypectomy in February, possible IUI this summer
1) Where are you at in the process/what is your next step? We're recreationally trying until our big trip in September. I'll be OOT during O in August and there's too much going on this month to try to start the IUI process. So, if no luck by October, we'll move to IUI then. I think. I hope we don't have to get to that point...
2) What are you doing fun this month that is non-IF related? We're getting a new dog! We lost our sweet boy (15 1/2 years old) a few months ago and while we didn't plan on getting a new friend so soon, the right dog came along, so we're snatching him up while he's available!
3) Any vents/confessions? This is nothing new, but WHY can totally inept people who will be terrible parents get PG without even trying when good people like us with stable marriages, good jobs, and lots of love struggle. I'll never understand it. Its been really bugging me lately. Oh, and my body can stop faking me out each month. I swear, 2+ years later, I still think every month is going to be *the* month because I am sure I have early PG symptoms (you know, like PMS...
)....then am so sad when its not. You'd think I'd learn...
4) Any questions you'd like to ask the other ladies? Do you resist fertility treatments even when it seems like the logical next step? I know I do, even though logically I know that we're going to have to get there eventually.