Reid is only sitting up for a few seconds by himself. If he's sitting in your lap he sits himself up but on the floor he doesn't seem to do it, seems to be a tonal issue. Going to get a pt eval, we have ot right now. He was a 24 week micro preemie. TIA
Re: When did lo sit up
You don't have a ticker so I can't see how old Reid is, but my kids were 25 weekers and they sat unassisted at about 10 1/2 months actual (7 1/2 months adjusted).
I haven't figured out how to get a ticker. Reid was a 24 weeker. He is 9 months actual and just over 5 months adjusted. I should have included that.
He has a grade 3 ivh that has been stable and he was a micro preemie. I know he will do some things slower I'm looking for preemies of similar age (like yours) to give me an idea. Thanks!