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Dr Drew
I wanted to see her head fall off about Casey Anthony
I keep waiting for it to spin around and around on her shoulders.
Although I do agree with her outrage regarding the defense partying it up at a bar after the verdict. Tack. Key.
MotherBucker:I am so f*cking angry about the whole thing. I've been on a rampage since the verdict.
100%. SO angry.
And agree on the weird crush as well. Looks like my OB/GYN, who I lurve
Re: weird crush #27
You take my ovaries, I take your yarns.
I wanted to see her head fall off about Casey Anthony
I keep waiting for it to spin around and around on her shoulders.
Although I do agree with her outrage regarding the defense partying it up at a bar after the verdict. Tack. Key.
You take my ovaries, I take your yarns.
100%. SO angry.
And agree on the weird crush as well. Looks like my OB/GYN, who I lurve