DH and I are having a hard time agreeing on names. We have the middle names picked out...I think We like less common, older names, we didn't know our daughter's name would be so popular, and shorter first names because we have a long last name. I think my daughter's first name is beautiful and I can't come up with something to go with it that is just as pretty. DD's name is Ella.
If it's a girl the middle name would be Jeanne after my grandmother or Mae, part of my maiden name.
If it's a boy the middle name would be Edward after both of our father's or Doyle another family name. DH likes Edward for the first name, but I'm not wild about it for a first name because I don't like Eddie and I think it's too popular thanks to the Twilight series.
WDYT for first names?
Re: Need help with names please
I really like both Jeanne and Mae, and especially that they have significance to you. As far as the boy names go... I would avoid Doyle at all costs, but thats just my opinion. And I definitely understand wanting to steer clear of Edward due to twilight, but I think it would make a fine middle name.
Why would you steer clear of Doyle? Personal reasons or something that you can share that I should be aware of.
Jack Edward
Noah Doyle
Sophia Jeanne
Olivia Mae
Ruby Jeanne