
This is why I asked...

We currently have 2 dachshunds and an indoor cat.  The dog we saw this weekend with my mother in law was a super small mini dachshund...she would only ever be about 8 pounds.  My other 2 are about 12 pounds.  We live a very pet friendly life...they are with us all the time, but when they aren't, we have family that watches sister lives across the street, my parents have 7 acres.  The shelter dog was very laid back and sweet and we just can't get her off our minds...

Re: This is why I asked...

  • If I ever got another dog I would love a dachshund!  I would say if you already live a dog friendly life, then what's one more. :)  You obviously know what it entails.  #3 will probably just fall in step with everyone else!
    Nathan 7-13-06 ~ Elizabeth 4-12-09 ~ Zachary 8-5-11
  • Look into your local laws, some places don't allow you to have more than 3 pets and other random restrictions.  But I don't think adding another dog is going to be that big of a deal for you as long as one more won't stress you out or cause finacial issues. 

    I'm probably not the best one to talk though -- I have 2 little dogs, 3 cats, and a parakeet.  :)

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  • Our town's law is 4 cats/dogs/or a combo of cats and dogs.
  • Since you know what you're getting into with a dachsie, go for it.

    I love dachsies but don't know if I'd ever get another one. We'll have to see...

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