Cloth Diapering

newborn diaper question

I have 2 siblings that are having babies in October and are planning on using cds. I really like KL0s and Lil Joeys, but those are pretty spendy.

Can anyone point me in the direction of maybe an etsy seller or WAHM brand that makes the same type of nd dipe but is less expensive than KL0s?

I should add, they don't like prefolds so those are out. That's what I suggested first.


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Re: newborn diaper question

  • GMD workhorse diapers.  The oranges won't last long but the yellows should. 
    image Ethan 12.31.07 Lillian 4.1.11
  • Nana's Bottoms AIOs. She is on Hyena Cart. Her diapers are incredibly affordable and there is usually some sort of coupon code (the really good ones are around holidays-4th of july one was 30% off!). Her prices also include shipping. You can completely customize the diapers. I have a bamboo one for my baby due in dec. It is so soft.
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  • I used gmd infant fitteds and loved 'em.

  • Have you considered shopping on diapperswappers or craigslist?

    What about G-Dipes?

    ETA:  BG 3.0 AIOs were discontinued earlier this year, but I still find a lot of mommy boutiques through google shopping that carry them.  The NB size is verrry cheap!  LOVE those dipes!

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