I'm curious how she was ruled competent to stand trial. I do think the crazy card is played too much, but imaginary friends, imaginary life, all the lies (that I think she believes? I read that the imaginary friends popped up around the time Caylee was born. The whole thing sounds too sick to be sane to me.
Re: About Casey Anthony
I think being a compulsive liar is a different kind of sickness, than say..someone who is BPD or whatever they're calling multiple personality disorder now.
she's able to function in that she makes do VERY well for herself and her happiness- the only time the crazy comes out is when she needs to cover up for her self indulgence. she knows what she's doing- she is in control
ETA- the imaginary friendsall seemed to be woven as imaginary playmates and thewir parents and her kid's caretakers- as an answer to "what do you do with your kid all day? does she have any friends? how does she spend her time?
you know? it wasn't like she just makes people up because she doesn't know anyone real- she just needs to pretend shes not being a bad mom.so she talks aout caylees friends parents and makes up outings to say she went on rather than what she was really doing all day..
you never heard her make up any clubbhopping friend or boyfriends, kwim?
(also, I think she made them up to keep her mom off of her back- I didn't mean she made up these peopl for the trial- in case that was unclear./
eh- she had every reason to be- you know? her kid was never honest, stole from everyone she knew and had a baby- I think if she was all up in casey's jam, it was out of concern and doubt about the way that kid was being cared for- all legitimate, right?
not like casey was remotely respectable.
wth was she DOING for two years EVERY DAY when she was pretending to go to work and take the kid to a nanny? that is a LONG time...
plus- the stealing and lying before any of this killing her own child drama. sounds like she was just trouble from the get go, and wanted to prove she was responsible so she just lied to cover for whatever she was doing with that poor kid...ugh.
Interesting, I have never thought about it but a person found not guilty by reason of insanity they actually stood trial, if they were found incompetent to stand trial there would not have even been a trial.