
Sam sat on Max yesterday.

I'll start by saying I know it was my fault.  I shouldn't have left them alone, even for a few seconds.  I was changing the boys out of their pajamas and I left Max on the floor and went into Sam's room to get his clothes out of the closet.  About five seconds later, I heard Max crying, but it was a strange sounding cry.  I went into the nursery and Sam was sitting on Max's chest, straddling him like a bike.  I cried out and Sam got up and Max was fine, but it really scared me.  Sam wasn't trying to hurt him and he is usually really loving towards Max.  He was just being a two year old.  It happened in just a matter of seconds.

I thought I'd share so you guys can learn from my poor judgment.  They just don't know any better and something can happen in just a few seconds. 


DS1 10-06 and DS2 9-08 and baby #3 EDD 9-05-12

Re: Sam sat on Max yesterday.

  • Awww poor Max. That must have been scary, even for a split second.

  • My Pediatrician was telling me she had a mom come in with her baby after her older child used them as a step stool to get on the couch.  The baby was fine, thankfully babies are pretty resilient. 



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  • My DD has done this to DS before (straddled him across his middle), but what threw me off guard is that the baby thought it was the funniest thing ever.  He was actually squealing with laughter.  I didn't want to scold her for trying to play with her brother, but I still had to firmly tell her that she could hurt him playing like that. 
  • OMG your sig pic is too cute!

    You have to fix it though!

  • Oh no! Poor Max! I'm sure that must have been pretty scary for you even though Max was fine.
    Alex (11/14/06) and Nate (5/25/10)
    "Want what you have, do what you can, be who you are." - Rev. Forrest Church
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