My sister is getting married in August, and DD is the flower girl. (Don't ask- I have no idea why she wanted an infant as a flower girl...) I'm a little sad that she didn't ask DS to be in the wedding as well, or neither of them at all, but that's another story.
I can't find outfits for them! DD needs a dress that is white or white and tiffany blue, and I want DS to coordinate. Any ideas where I can find outfits that will work but won't break the bank? Or do my shopping for me?
Re: outfits for wedding?
JCPenny usually has very pretty Easter/Wedding type dresses for babies and toddlers. They can be expensive though.. anywhere from $30-60 depending on what you're looking for. Maybe some khakis and a white polo onsie for DS with a blue tie or something similar to match DD?
Sometimes I find cute baby stuff at TJ Maxx, but I don't know how big of a selection they would have for this type clothing. Dillards would be my only other suggetion, but they would definitely be expensive!
TTC #1 Since July 2009 slightly low progesterone, endo, kinked right tube, Clomid, Lap and Hysteroscopy, and 13 months TTC = BFP! (7/23/10) Cautiously Expecting... 8/19/10 - it's TWINS!... 11/8/10 - Boy/Girl twins! Born 37w4d
Princess Linens has really cute stuff. You could probably get away with spending $100 total for two outfits. They ship fast.
This is where I got tuxes for my boys. They also have adorable dressy dresses and suites. VERY reasonable, super fast shipping and really easy to work with.