April 2011 Moms


First, I have to say Henry's picture in your siggy is adorable. That face is too much! Unrelated, but every time I read about Henry I get a little bit jealous because that is my favorite baby name in the world and I couldn't use it because our last name rhymes with Henry and that just seemed cruel. So I'm campaigning for that for my BFF.

Anyway, I had a wrap question. I saw in your blog that you loved your Ellaroo until you got your Didy? I love the Moby but hate how hot it is. I was planning on trying an Ellaroo or a Vatanai, but now I'm wondering if I should spring for a Didy. I've read NCBelle's blog a bunch, but still feel so confused. I think I just need to make the leap! Anyway, you seem so comfortable with wrapping I thought I'd get your opinion.

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