My DD never took a pacifier. We tried a few different ones but she just never would. She wasn't a super fussy baby so it wasn't a big deal. I'd like to pick up a few for the new babies, just in case. Any suggestions? TIA!
mine all liked MAM and so did i because there is no special way they have to go in - so you are never putting them in upside down, etc...
the soothie ones are good like that, too- they had them in our hospital- but my boys weren't crazy about them- always fell out. The mam stayed in better.
I used to be Goldie_locks_5 but the new nest is so screwed up that I was forced to start over.
They loved the Soothies. We got WubbaNubs and it helped them hold it in place and if they lost it, they could easily manipulate it back in their mouths. Thankfully, the girls self weaned their paci's around 6 months.
They loved the Soothies. We got WubbaNubs and it helped them hold it in place and if they lost it, they could easily manipulate it back in their mouths. Thankfully, the girls self weaned their paci's around 6 months.
They loved the Soothies. We got WubbaNubs and it helped them hold it in place and if they lost it, they could easily manipulate it back in their mouths. Thankfully, the girls self weaned their paci's around 6 months.
The hospital gave them soothies when they were in the hospital, and there was no going back! They both had green ones in the NICU. But we always got them mixed up (not that it mattered much), so we got them a purple and a pink one now to identify who's is who's. We are getting to the point where we only use them for naps, I am hoping they self wean!
Livian Elizabeth and Alayna Marjorie! On their way to 3!
The started with soothies and then the Avents. They really liked the Avents the last few months, but now they don't really seem to show much interest in pacis anymore. Not in the last few weeks anyway.
We use the Gumdrop ones because they have the hole in them so you can use the clips to clip it to them. I really like the Wubbanubs though my LO's can put their paci's back in their mouths when they drop them, and DS1 is loves the monkey attached to it. He holds it even when the paci isn't in. I'm thinking we may have to cut off the paci when we wean them just so he can keep his monkey.
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We started with the Soothies as well, now we use the Playtex Ortho-Pros. The hospital gave us 2 and the boys love them! When you buy them in the stores, they come with a plastic cup that the binkie snaps into. You put a little water in the cup, put it in the microwave for a few minutes, and you have a sterilized paci! Very convenient. Ian still really likes his binkie, but Jack usually isn't interested anymore.
They liked MAM's when they were little but prefered Nuk's. It didn't take them long to figure out that the Nuk's had to go in a certain way. It wasn't a big deal for them.
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I have a basket full of pacis that we went through before finding what my boys like! We finally set on MAM. They just stayed in their mouth so much better! Plus, I think they are cuter than most!
Spontaneous Di/Di twin boys born at 34 weeks on 02/21/2011
DS1 liked Avent (though that's all we gave him) and the twins took anything (the kind the hospital provided first, then Avent, then we bought the kind that have their names on them from BRU).
We invested a fortune in Tommy Tippee pacifiers/bottles...and the girls hate them. They refused a pacifer until they were about 4 weeks and will only take the Avent soothies (like the ones in the hospital).
TTC #1 since November 2007 Dx-Unexplained Infertility
10/08 Clomid and TI #1=BFN
11/08 Clomid and TI#2=BFP...Twins, MC due to ectopic
5/09 Clomid and TI#3=BFN
6/09 IUI and clomid #1=BFN
8/09 Lap=No Endo
10/09 IUI + Repronex + Pregnyl = BFN
09/10 IVF #1. Repronex, ganorelix and pregnyl=BFP!! Beta #1 10/1/10 450 Beta #2 10/7/10 over 5,000
We started with MAMs, from the hospital. Around 2 months we switched to Avent because I figured, if I had a hard time picking up the pacis w/o a handle, so would the babies. We still use Avents.
They loved the Soothies. We got WubbaNubs and it helped them hold it in place and if they lost it, they could easily manipulate it back in their mouths. Thankfully, the girls self weaned their paci's around 6 months.
Re: Which pacifiers did your LOs like?
4 Fresh IVF cycles + 1 FET where embies didn't survive the thaw = 2 perfect little men!
sFET 11/9/11 - Beta 11/18 BFP!
mine all liked MAM and so did i because there is no special way they have to go in - so you are never putting them in upside down, etc...
the soothie ones are good like that, too- they had them in our hospital- but my boys weren't crazy about them- always fell out. The mam stayed in better.
They loved the Soothies. We got WubbaNubs and it helped them hold it in place and if they lost it, they could easily manipulate it back in their mouths. Thankfully, the girls self weaned their paci's around 6 months.
OMG, the wubbanubs are adorable!!
I know! I was looking at the website thinking about how much I miss those dang things.
The hospital had Playtex ones. They took those and never looked back! The hospital sent me home with a bunch.
I had Avent, Tommy Tippee, and Soothies at home. They would never take those.
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