I know my LB updated you guys but here is super fast version of my birth story with Miss Olivia.
Sunday 26th: Water broke at 9:00 after about 2 hours of contractions 4 min apart. We took 3 walks that day and had sex shortly before my contractions started. Arrived at the hospital at 10:30. Was already 6 cm dialated and 100% effaced. My midwife was a little concerned with me pushing since Olivia was flipped face up so we started the process of trying to get her to turn. Recieved an Epidural at 1:00am.
Monday 27th: Fully dialated at 8am but still trying to get her to flip around. She had only made it halfway around so now she was sideways. By this point I was just getting pissed off. Finally after hours of trying to get her to spin I told the nurses I didnt care if it meant I need to push harder or longer I wanted to get her OUT! so at noon I started pushing. My epi had worn off by then and I was not exactly happy about that. After pushing for about 20 min she did end up spinning around on her own once we could see her head. My midwife came in and at 12:31pm Olivia was born!
6pounds 12ounces and 18.75 inches long. She has super dark hair, and DARK blue eyes. She scored a 9 on both apgars tests and BF great at the hospital.
here is a sneak peak of a newborn photo we had done today
Goodluck to everyone else that is still waiting for their "june bugs" and cant wait to catch up on the last couple days
Re: PIP...and a quick birth story
Congrats!! She is super cute!
Congrats, she is beautiful!
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