Upstate NY Babies

*HLG* staying on track this holiday weekend

So, it's a holiday weekend... which can mean parties, BBQ's, desserts, drinks etc.

What are your goals/plans to stay on track this weekend?

Or are you in the "it's a holiday, calories don't count" school of thought?!

Re: *HLG* staying on track this holiday weekend

  • wendyjwendyj member

    Thankfully, our big party day isn't until Sunday, so I'm watching myself until then. I've been sick for the last couple of days, and spent most of Wednesday in bed, so exercising has been almost nonexistent. Planning on going to the gym tomorrow morning, then play with Ian in the pool at my parents' house.

    As far as indulging, I'll try everything I want, but take small portions of everything so I don't feel like a beached whale by the end of the day. 

    Everyone enjoy your weekend!

  • We don't have weigh-in on Monday since I am off from work, so I am not going overboard, but I am also not being too worried about what the scale will say. I am going to try to take plenty of fruits and veggies and if there is something I want, just have a small portion or a few bites of my husband's haha. Also, taking my water bottle with me everywhere and keep drinking!
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  • I've done great losing weight the last 2 weeks but my supply has tanked. Last night my mom brought over Boston Market so I had a huge plate- then we visited SIL at the hospital and stopped for coffee & timbits. Today I'm a pumping machine- so I know I just need to be eating more.

    My plan is to stuff myself with healthy food and just try to be as active as possible.

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  • Yeah, Mrs White I was the same way while less morsel and I had nothing! Ugh!

    We don't have plans over the weekend...since we go on our camping trip the following week no one really gets together. I need to stick with it for JUST another week so I can be at my fittest for vacation!!! Thankfully - DH's cousins wife, who just had a baby will not being going because I was probably going to jump off a bridge after seeing her in a bikini at 2 weeks pp. :) So that should help my emotional eating while I am there - haha!!!

    I fell asleep on the couch last night before working out (nikcole you jinxed me!!! haha!) and so I need to work out on Sat and Sun this week to meet my 5 days. So this should help me stay on track - I don't like wasting an exercise session.

    Good luck Ladies!!

  • I was bad and stepped on the scale this morning... which was kind of a good thing... I'm down another 3lbs, so that is my motivation to stay on track this weekend! I don't want to see a bigger # on Monday morning.

    I plan on going to the gym today, which will make 5 days this week. Then I'd like to get there once this weekend also. 

    We are going to the drive-in tomorrow, and I'm bringing lots of healthy snacks... fruit, veggies etc.

    I will probably indulge a little on the 4th... after I weigh myself in the morning! ;) But, I'll keep up w/ my water, lots of veggies and take small portions of the bad things. 

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