Two Under 2

Baby Jogger City Select

I see that many of you have it an use it as a double. However, when I go on Amazon to read the reviews, almost everyone is complaining that you can't really safely attach a car seat with the adapter they make...

What have your experiences been?

I have a 1yr old and will have a newborn in 2 weeks. I would like to use the car seat I already have, which is a Graco snugride, as the second seat.

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Re: Baby Jogger City Select

  • My DD2 is 3 months and I use her carrier in that stroller as a double. If you use it correctly with the strap to attach it then it's sturdy enough. I don't run with her in it, I don't go up and down steps or on crazy terrain. She'll be able to use the regular seat within a couple months I think so I'm not too concerned about the carrier/sturdiness. I love the stroller and I'm really happy with it still.
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  • We used it with a Graco Snugride.  The seat definitely does not clip in as securely as it does on the snap-n-go frame, but it was adequate.  I was not comfortable taking the stroller up and down any stairs with the carseat attached (and I live somewhere where most walks require a few stairs). I've written a few long posts about why we are selling our CS.  If you are interested, read here.
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  • you have to play with it to get the bars to adjust to the right spot, once its is you lock it in place so you just leave the adapter on or when you take it off you can leave the bars adjusted to what you need. You have to put he car seat on after the front seat is in place and you cant have the headrest of the seat in front on the higher setting, it wont fit.

    It clicks, but you also have to add the strap and make sure it s secure. In a way its like a snap and go, if you just click the seat in and dont add the red tabs that hold the seat in place in front, if you hit a bump the carseat can flip backwards. So you have to put he strap on. Its was fine for the 5 months we used it. BUT it was my only complaint about the stroller. no stroller is perfect, this one is as close to it for us as possible. 

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  • I did a lot of research on this prior to my infant seat purchase. The Maxi Cosi Mico (with the universal adaptor) snaps in the best. It is super easy and very secure. I think the stroller was designed for the Mico. I had this set up, but decided I didn't like the specific Mico I had ordered so I returned it. I now have a Chicco Keyfit and the Chicco adaptor and it also snaps in, but not as well as the Mico. You still need the two bars and it was a PITA to figure out, but it does snap in. I wish I had just kept the Mico in retrospect, though the keyfit works well enough I guess.

    From what I've read the Graco seats do not work as well. There may be another seat that snaps in, I'm thinking a britax or peg perego...not sure.

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  • I used my BJCS with the carseat adapter and my Graco Snugride.

    I will admit that it wasn't quite as sturdy as my Graco snap 'n go, but I never once felt like it was dangerous.  You just need to make sure you place the carseat correctly onto the adapter (this takes some attention to detail and adjusting sometimes) and then always using the strap to give it that second bit of security.  I think people expect their carseats to be able to "snap" into place with little or no effort.  But because the adapter is made for many carseats, you have to be mindful of the placement and of securing the strap (which I have noticed many mothers get complacent about).

    I will also admit that I like my BJCS 10000% more now that both kids are in the regular seats.  With the carseat adapter, I felt very limited in my configurations.  Now I feel that I get to enjoy the bells and whistles that make the CS so convenient.

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  • We had problems with our Graco attaching securely and ended up buying an Evenflo that attached much better.
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