I am going to see a psychiatrist. It's taken me a long time, but I have finally gotten fed up with my anxiety issues. I have always been a worrier, but it's gotten to the point where I will suddenly have awful thoughts about terrible things that could happen to me or the boys. I thought I had general anxiety, but it looks like it's actually OCD (from what I have read). The intrusive thoughts of terrible things are actually characterized as obsessions.
I talked to my H about it last week and he is being really supportive and understanding. I called and made an appointment with a psychiatrist next week. I'm nervous but really ready to feel normal.
Anyone else on anxiety meds? I'm just wondering what to expect.
Re: Next Friday
I don't have any experience in what you're dealing with but, I wanted to let you know that I'm going to be praying for you.
Good for you to recognize that something is wrong & that you need help. That's the first step :-)
Hang in there & PM me if ya need anything.
1/1 Spotting, 1/3 beta 36,000, 1/5 u/s empty sac measuring 7w (9w5d), 1/6 d&c
You will always be loved & missed our sweet angel.
I take wellbutrin for my depression and it is supposed to help with anxiety, but before I was pregnant I took Xanax. It was very helpful on nights where I could not shut off my brain, and when I fly.
I have debated going back to the Dr, for a lot of the same reasons you are going. I have horrible anxiety that something is going to happen to me, DH or LO. Every time there is some tragedy on the news (a fatal wreck, kidnapped/murdered person or family) I always think "that could be us."
Good for you! I've taken Wellbutrin for depression in the past and loved being on it. I get skinny on it and don't feel flat. Now my insurance is a big butt and wants me to pay an insane amount for it. Luckily I don't really need it anymore (another point that meds don't have to be forever), but I sure would love the skinny side effect right about now.
I hope you get some relief. I can't imagine having true anxiety on a regular basis. That would be exhausting.
I was on Paxil for anxiety while I was in college. I have always been a "worrier", but at one point I had a very stressful courseload combined with some major stresses in my personal life. I started feeling like I had an elephant on my chest all of the time, lost a ton of weight, and had constant racing thoughts. My mom finally stepped in and made me see a doctor.
After I was diagnosed, I was embarassed to be on meds. and upset about it. DH, whom I was dating at the time, said I shouldn't be ashamed because it is just like someone who has to take medication to treat diabetes. You wouldn't judge someone for taking care of something they cannot control, and this is the same thing. He was right and I started to feel better about it. The meds. really helped me get through the rest of college, it was a relief to not be so anxious.
After we got married I didn't need them any longer, I haven't been on meds for 4 years. I am still anxious at times, but being able to see what it's like to not worry about certain things has helped me cope with stress, if that makes any sense. I don't let certain things bother me as much as they used to. I hope this happens for you as well, it really is a relief to not feel so overwhelmed.
Sorry, this is me, I was logged in to my un-used Knot account for some reason. I know I'm hardly ever on here, but I didn't want you to think some random newbie commented on your post.
::hugs:: I just wanted to say that it's awesome you're taking the steps to get it under control. I hope it goes well Hippo!
Edited for spelling.
My midwife sent me to the counselor in the practice for PPD, though the PPD was just a part of the larger issue which is that I've had anxiety and clinical depression almost my entire life. She put me on 50 mg of Zoloft a day, which helped like you wouldn't believe. It is so much easier for me to deal with things that would normally send me into a tailspin. No side effects as far as I've been able to tell.
(hugs) I'm proud of you Hippo for doing this. My counselor told me it was the best thing I could ever do for my son.
I was on Zoloft last summer/fall and into the winter. I had no side effects and it did wonders during 1st tri.
Good for you for going, big hugs.
Prozac and Lexapro.
Not trying to sound trite, but asking for help is so hard, and it is such a huge first step. I wish you the absolute best, Hippo. Therapy really helped me. It saved my life. We're here if you need us, but I'm glad you've got a professional on your side to help figure this out for you!!
I'm late to the party but I wanted to add my 2 cents.
I have pretty severe a-typical anxiety with depression (they frequently go together) and sometimes if they treat one its treats the other as well, because they're linked. I was on Prozac for a while, and it did wonders for me. It sort of... made my symptoms manageable?
I'd been given Xanax before and that just knocked me out (it did the trick to stop the anxiety attack but I still couldn't function) and I've had bad luck with ADD meds, so I was leary at first. But the prozac just sort of gave me a little edge for dealing with my symptoms, it didn't make me happy or anything like that, I really liked it and I'll probably get back on it after I have the baby.
I've been off it since the first trimester, and we've been dealing with my shiit by basically insulating me from my stressors and triggers, but that's really not sustainable, especially when I have a whole new batch of them this fall.
Good for you for going to get help! It's not easy to go sometimes, but it's so worth it!