I haven't been back on the bump for about a year. But you ladies were such a great resource back in the day I thought I'd see if I could get some info. We're thinking about having a second kiddo but I am nervous becasue with my first I had an emergency c-section after 3 hours of pushing. Needless to say recovery was TOUGH. My doctor insists that the recovery was so terrible because I pushed for three hours prior to the surgery so my muscles were shot, I was exahusted, etc, etc. He said that I'll likely have to have another c-section with my next baby but that the recovery will be a million time better. While I plan on getting a second opinion I'm also curious if anyone here has had two consecutive c-sections, one where they pushed and one scheduled. Was the recovery really any better with the second? Or did you just feel like *** for a month like I did? TIA!!
Re: Anyone have 2 c-sections in a row? Recovery after pushing vs not pushing?
i had the same 1st experience as you... pushed for 3 hours, and had a tough recovery...
the recovery from my repeat (scheduled) c/s was like night and day. Sooooo much better.
Malakai - 8.3.09
Ezra - 12.1.11 ASD
I have not had a second c/s but I did have an emergency c/s after 27 hours of labor and 2 hours of pushing. While I did have complications from a breathing tube issue I do have to say that my recovery was not bad at all. It was painful, but major abdominal surgery is expected to be painful. I was up and walking 24 hours after my surgery (I was not allowed to do it any sooner due to the breathing complications) I had my daughter on a Monday by Friday I went out to the grocery store with my husband. I was also completely off my pain meds with the exception of taking 1 or 2 on a rough day. Meaning I was up and moving around a lot.
The key thing for me was I made sure not to over do it. For nearly 3-4 weeks I sat on the couch and took care of my daughter. I did not clean, I did not do anything but care for my daughter and slept when she slept. I did this regardless of how I felt, because while things like laying down in my bed and some movements were painful overall I felt like I could do the things I normally did.
Point is I think it is not the same each time no matter what. I also think it greatly depends on your activity level after as well.
my first was a scheduled c-section, my second was a failed vbac (18 hours of labor, 1 hour of pushing).
My second recovery has been 100 times easier! I was terrified that I would labor and end up with a c-section and have a horrible recovery but it was not the case!
That being said, i was given doramorph (sp?) for the first and I think a lot of my recovery issues were related to that medication. I refused it the second time.
I have a friend that had 3 CS. Second 2 were planned. She says her recovery from the second was a breeze but her third was horrible. So, sounds like it just depends.
I've had 2 csections 18 months apart. Not sure how much my experience helps since I never went into labor with either but my 2nd c was WAY better than my first. I'm not sure if it was because it was a scheduled c vs. an emergency c... but it was like night and day.
With my RCS I was home 3 days after having her and was at the park "playing" with my oldest. Honestly, it was amazing how much easier it was compared to the first.
My first c/s was scheduled as DS1 was breech. The recovery was pretty good. I was off all pain meds in 10 days. I felt 100% at about 3 weeks.
My second c/s was a failed VBAC. I labored for 20 hours (never pushed). My recovery was lightening quick. I felt about 95% when DS2 was 4 days old. I stopped taking pain meds when I left the hospital.
FWIW, my OB acknowledged that every recovery is different, but physically speaking, a scheduled c/s is easier on the body than being in labor then having a c/s. Pushing and then having a c/s is by far the toughest on the body. It makes sense that the more "beat up" your body is, the harder the recovery.
That being said, I know a lot of people who say their second c/s recovery is better than their first. For me, I think there were several factors. First, I really did get out of bed more an walk more in the hospital. Second, you have the first child to take care of, so you have to function more.