Anyone have 2 c-sections in a row? Recovery after pushing vs not pushing?

I haven't been back on the bump for about a year. But you ladies were such a great resource back in the day I thought I'd see if I could get some info. We're thinking about having a second kiddo but I am nervous becasue with my first I had an emergency c-section after 3 hours of pushing. Needless to say recovery was TOUGH. My doctor insists that the recovery was so terrible because I pushed for three hours prior to the surgery so my muscles were shot, I was exahusted, etc, etc. He said that I'll likely have to have another c-section with my next baby but that the recovery will be a million time better. While I plan on getting a second opinion I'm also curious if anyone here has had two consecutive c-sections, one where they pushed and one scheduled. Was the recovery really any better with the second? Or did you just feel like *** for a month like I did? TIA!!

Re: Anyone have 2 c-sections in a row? Recovery after pushing vs not pushing?

  • i had the same 1st experience as you... pushed for 3 hours, and had a tough recovery...

    the recovery from my repeat (scheduled) c/s was like night and day.  Sooooo much better.

    Rylee - 3.28.08
    Malakai - 8.3.09
    Ezra - 12.1.11 ASD
  • One of my friends swears that the second cs is sooo much easier to recover from.  But then her third was bad again.  So, each experience is probably different.
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  • I've heard from a few different people that the planned RCS was so much easier than their first. I am sure each c-section and recovery is completely different depending on if you have really young ones at home, or get an infection ect...I'm still on the fence about doing the RCS vs VBAC but I'm glad to know other's are in the same boat!
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  • I have not had a second c/s but I did have an emergency c/s after 27 hours of labor and 2 hours of pushing. While I did have complications from a breathing tube issue I do have to say that my recovery was not bad at all. It was painful, but major abdominal surgery is expected to be painful. I was up and walking 24 hours after my surgery (I was not allowed to do it any sooner due to the breathing complications) I had my daughter on a Monday by Friday I went out to the grocery store with my husband.  I was also completely off my pain meds with the exception  of taking 1 or 2 on a rough day. Meaning I was up and moving around a lot.

    The key thing for me was I made sure not to over do it. For nearly 3-4 weeks I sat on the couch and took care of my daughter. I did not clean, I did not do anything but care for my daughter and slept when she slept. I did this regardless of how I felt, because while things like laying down in my bed and some movements were painful overall I felt like I could do the things I normally did.

    Point is I think it is not the same each time no matter what. I also think it greatly depends on your activity level after as well.

  • my first was a scheduled c-section, my second was a failed vbac (18 hours of labor, 1 hour of pushing).

     My second recovery has been 100 times easier! I was terrified that I would labor and end up with a c-section and have a horrible recovery but it was not the case!

    That being said, i was given doramorph (sp?) for the first and I think a lot of my recovery issues were related to that medication. I refused it the second time.

    I have a friend that had 3 CS. Second 2 were planned. She says her recovery from the second was a breeze but her third was horrible. So, sounds like it just depends.

  • lkf041lkf041 member

    I've had 2 csections 18 months apart.  Not sure how much my experience helps since I never went into labor with either but my 2nd c was WAY better than my first.  I'm not sure if it was because it was a scheduled c vs. an emergency c... but it was like night and day.

    With my RCS I was home 3 days after having her and was at the park "playing" with my oldest.  Honestly, it was amazing how much easier it was compared to the first.  

    DS- 11/08,  DD1 - 05/10,  DD2 - 11/11

    BabyFetus Ticker
  • My first c/s was scheduled as DS1 was breech.  The recovery was pretty good.  I was off all pain meds in 10 days.  I felt 100% at about 3 weeks. 

    My second c/s was a failed VBAC.  I labored for 20 hours (never pushed).  My recovery was lightening quick.  I felt about 95% when DS2 was 4 days old.  I stopped taking pain meds when I left the hospital.  

    FWIW, my OB acknowledged that every recovery is different, but physically speaking, a scheduled c/s is easier on the body than being in labor then having a c/s.  Pushing and then having a c/s is by far the toughest on the body.  It makes sense that the more "beat up" your body is, the harder the recovery. 

    That being said, I know a lot of people who say their second c/s recovery is better than their first.  For me, I think there were several factors.  First, I really did get out of bed more an walk more in the hospital.  Second, you have the first child to take care of, so you have to function more.

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