I wanted to say a huge thank you to all of you that responded to my post. I was completely overwhelmed by your kindness and caring.
I also wanted to answer a couple of questions that some of you had.
(1)My doctor decided to do the procedure laproscopically (sp), so they begin by making 3 very small incisions, one in the belly button and two on both sides of your lower pelvic areal. They go in through the incisions to detach all of the internal organs and then (this is really gross), they pull them all out through your vagina (ugh....so disgusting). I have to say that although I am in a ton of pain, having these three small incisions is so much nicer than having a huge incision like I had with my c-section. It is amazing they can do this kind of thing laproscopically now.
(2) I went to The Christ Hospital Cincinnati. I have had all three of our kids there and my husband had both of his surgeries there. We love this hospital and have always used it so that is the reason that we went to their ER. Apparently the hospital is awesome but the ER totally sucks. Wish someone would have told us this to begin with. After I told my OBgyn the whole story about the ER visit, he pretty much told us to never, ever go there again. He said, and I quote "unless you have a knife sticking out of your chest, they will not admit you at this hospital". Nice, huh?
So I think those were the only questions. I am feeling pretty crappy still. My pain was very well-controlled at the hospital on a PCA (the pain pump thingy with the button) but now that I am home it is pretty bad. I am still taking the pain meds every 4 hours along with Ibuprofen every 6. I'm sure it will get better everyday though. The only thing I think I am worried about now is the horomone issue. I have an estrogen patch on now but I hear that it can take quite some time to figure out the right combination of horomone replacement so you don't end up cookoo-for-coco puffs.
My family is doing very well. Max seems to have handled the hospital stay just fine. Jack and Lila keep crawling over to my feet and wanting to be picked up so I just ask someone to put them on my lap...sucks but isn't as bad as I thought it would be. My husband is very stressed but keeping up with everything pretty well. I am really proud of him.
Thanks again everyone!
Re: f/u to hysterectomy post
Thanks for the update. and yay for your DH. (keeping up with the kiddos)
Hope you will feel better each day. Hang in there mama! ((Hugs))
Thanks for the update and I hope you start feeling better soon.