I have a list from almost 3 years ago when I was pregnant with my son and over time have shared MY name ideas for MY kids with my friends. Well now we're all pregnant at the same time and they are stealing my names.

I'm like WTH that has been on my list for years and you know it. One said, "Well it's on my list, we'll see who gets it first." She's due a week before me and already has it on her charts to be induced a week before that. Am I being sensitive? Nobody even knows what they're having yet. Sheesh.
Re: My friends keep taking my names!
Unfortunately, names belong to the universe, not individuals. None of you can call "dibs" on a name and since none of you know what you're having yet, it might not even matter.
Burned by the Bear
1. You're friend has an attitude and competitive moms don't stay friends for very long.
2. Nobody owns a name.
3. If it's on the top 100, don't be surprised if you know kids with that name.
4. There are thousands of names to chose from.
5. STOP sharing names.
I would've said the same thing your friend said, to be honest. You can call dibs on names from previous pregnancies and then say that years later, no one can use them. It might be one thing if you were Team Green the first time and said our child will be either Jack or Jill...and this time you'd like to use Jill. Even in that situation, the name isn't your own...unless you're going with a name like Jaxtyn or something you've made up.
Like PP said, stop sharing your names then.
DD #1 born 4/1/2012
My Married Bio
If you had ONE name that you've loved your entire life and your friend was saying this, I'd be on your side.
But you have a LIST of names that you're talking about. You seriously think that no one you know can use ANY of those names?!
You don't own ANY names, much less an entire list. Especially as you don't even know what you're having!
~Benjamin Franklin
DS dx with celiac disease 5/28/10
Agreed, although I think I would still roll my eyes in the OPs situation...but again, it's not as if it was a final name choice, it was names from a list of names.
~Benjamin Franklin
DS dx with celiac disease 5/28/10
Well, I guess I'm just being sensitive then. Thanks for your feedback. I'm chucking my list and starting over. It is from a long time ago, it's a short list, 10 boy names, 10 girl names, nothing in the Top 100. Obviously I know I don't 'own' any of the names. Although, she had a list of names when she had her daughter, her list of boy names became my 'no go' list when I had my son - specifically telling me I was forbidden to use her boy names.
Hmm, I'm seeing an unbalanced friendship here. Guess I hadn't realized. Makes me a little sad. Come to think of it she steals all my good ideas and takes credit for it.
if you shared the list and each had your own I could see why it would be offensive to suddenly not have the claims.
I find the more defensive you are of a name, the more inclined others are to use it. overall I'd drop it with her and she'll probably start exploring elsewhere anyway. that being said, use whatever the heck name you want, even if it is what she just named her kid. they are going to grow up to be two totally different people anyway.
Thank you strangebird and mj.reilly!
Heavens to Murgatroyd Blog
Unofficial Baby Names Sticky Note: New and Old| Local Bumpie Website
All of this!! Although nobody owns a name, I would never use one that I knew my friend was truly in love with but STOP sharing names is the best statement here. I haven't shared our possible names with anyone except on here and I'm almost 8 months pregnant. Good luck!
No one can CLAIM a name.. If you don't want people "stealing" them then don't share. Or if its a name you really really love use it anyway. Or find out the sex and tell people while you are PG that the babys name is _____
Sorry but I think its ridiculous to say people can't use a name when you haven't used it yourself yet...
Screw them... if you like a name, use it.
And if they like a name, they'll use it.
If your kids have the same name, they'll learn to live with it.
Friendships don't last forever (even if we hope they will) and you should choose a name you love for your child.
That is all.
Bronx Zoo: Summer 2013
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great advice!!
1. Are they common names? If they're stealing stuff like Aiden, Ethan, Olivia and Sophia, I've got news for you.
2. Stop telling people your names, because it is first come, first served, and you don't own names.
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Invisible Finish Line
3T's Traveling Ovary Blog
7DPO Progesterone: low. CD3 BW: normal, HSG: clear
DX: severe MFI (low all 3) and low T. Undergoing replacement therapy.
I agree w PP! I won't tell any preg friends my list of names, just for that same reason. Hope you can find a name that you love that none of your friends are using! Good luck!