I have been a regular on TTC for about a year. Its been a rough year TTC, but I just hit a road block I know nothing about! The ladies on TTC recommended that I walk with you about my issue.
I was diagnosed with a positive for Lyme Disease yesterday (IgM test). They prescribed Doxycycline. I called back and reminded them I was TTC, was that safe. The nurse asked the DR, the DR said no, its not take ammoxocilin. I said ok, and hung up. THEN, I was talking with my friend who asked if the Dr was sure ammoxocilin was just as effective. I called my Dr back, but she has already left for the day. Another Dr (who I don't love) was EMPHATIC that I wait 6 months after Lymes to start TTC again, and also both drugs are effective. I don't have any Lyme symptoms, (I had a SMALL red rash on both my feet that I thought was systemic poison ivy, and some red dots across by butt and thighs, but they went away before I took the medicine, and maybe some fatigue) Have you been told you need to wait 6 months? Are there any specific questions you suggest I ask? I am devastated, if I have to wait 6 months. However, my Dr didn't say a thing about it to me. I have scoured the internet, and it appears to be inconclusive at best. I have a call into my Dr, and I will see my OB on Tuesday, so I'm trying to stay as calm as possible.
Please give me your story! I know we don't know each other yet, but I'm not telling folks IRL that we're trying to conceive, so if I have to wait 6 months AND hold all that inside I might burst!
TIA for your time!
Re: ***Unwritten524*** or anyone else with LYME and TTC
Ditto. I've heard from co-workers and friends that they've had to put it off for 6 months to a year. I'm sorry, it sucks.