
What's up with all the ear infections?

Geeze....Hudson got his first one yesterday.  If the the past is any indicator we'll be getting tubes in the next couple of weeks (both my girls have them-Em at 10 months and Landry at 6 months).

My H and I are trying to figure out where in the heck they come from?  Hudson hasn't had a runny nose or anything.....

I log on here today and it seems like lots of you ladies are going through the same thing! What gives with all these ear infections/tubes?


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Re: What's up with all the ear infections?

  • I really think that some kids are more prone to them than others. My oldest son has never had an ear infection. My second son has had a few, my DD just had her first a few months ago, my toddler has already had a few, and the babies haven't had any.

    No rhyme or reason, we treat them all the same when they're sick - saline spray and suction and that's about it.

    Mom to six awesome kids - Levi is 12, Landen is 8, Gabrielle is 6, Lucas is 3, and Oliver and Samuel are 2 years old. Love my crew. Baby Birthday Ticker TickerBaby Birthday Ticker Ticker
  • My pedi said it's "structural"  - meaning some kids bodies are just built to be more EI prone.  It's apparently also genetic.  So if the parents had a lot of ear problems as a child, the baby is more prone to the EI-heavy.


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  • my one big regret as a mom is not getting tubes for Griffin sooner... i kept thinking (as did his pedi) that he'd grow out of EI's just like Griffin did- but he didn't... and at 18mo was not talking at all - b/c of the hearing loss from the EI's .... i hate that i could have helped him sooner if i got the tubes in when he was younger - and now he's in speech therapy b/c of it...

    EI's can be from so many things- dirty water, pool water, etc- not just from colds/sinus stuff.

    I used to be Goldie_locks_5 but the new nest is so screwed up that I was forced to start over.
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