Well mostly my nipple... and the pain wouldn't go away, feels like I am still pumping. Is that normal? Of course it doesn't help that my girls wouldn't latch on, so pumping is the only way they would get BM.... I have tried putting lanolin on it, but it didn't really do anything!!! Anyone? Please help!
Re: Pumping HURTS!
Try starting off your pump on a low suction setting if you have the option, just long enough to get letdown, then turn up the suction and turn down the pump speed. That's more like what a baby would do if they nurse. Are you sure you have the right flange size? Have you checked with a LC? Them can watch you pump to see what else could be wrong. Those are my first few thoughts on it though.
Try a bit of olive oil in the flange (after making sure it's the right size) to lube up... that has helped me. I also use Soothies gel pads instead of lanolin, and I like them a lot.
I have small breasts but needed the bigger flanges. I ended up at my dr's office b/c they were so painful (I could even stand under the shower). She made these suggestions:
- let them dry out (too often, the girls don't get enough air)
- bigger flanges
- prescription for this nipple cream that softened and healed them