
Bang for the Buck Poll

1.  What two baby items are worth their weight in gold?

2.  What two baby items make you mad that you ever spent the money (or if it was a gift, that someone else spent their money)?

Throw in more than two if you've got them!

Mom to Abigail & Liliana -- Identical Twin Girls -- April 2008
Baby #3 due September 12, 2014!

Pregnancy Ticker

Re: Bang for the Buck Poll

  • 1. Best:
    Bouncy seats
    Cloth diapers (for every day burp cloths, spit / throw up catchers,etc)
    City mini stroller

    2. Worst:
    Podee bottles (never used!)
    Sun Tent for the beach (worthless - used it at the beach once and it kept blowing over!)
    Rainforest Swing (not by any fault of the swing, but our girls hated it!)


    Mom to Abigail & Liliana -- Identical Twin Girls -- April 2008
    Baby #3 due September 12, 2014!

    Pregnancy Ticker
  • 1. Best- Eddie Bauer head cushions (for strollers/swings/bouncers before they can hold their heads up)

                 Podees (they were absolute lifesavers for us, our kids took to them  well)

                 Fisher Price Ocean Wonders Aquarium

                 Ultrasaucer (exersaucer by evenflo)

    Worst-    Fisher Price light projector thing (I dont know the exact name of it) Its supposed to project colored shapes on the ceiling but you can barely see them at all, and not all the babies could see them anyway.

    Bumbos (sort of) Im glad we had them, but I wish I hadnt bought them new- I could have found them used easily and paid a lot less, and probably sold them for what I paid for them. They just grow out of them so quickly.

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  • 1. swaddle me blankets, and jumperoo

    2. crib mobiles, and twin pack and play (should have gotten two singleton ones).

  • Best --

    1.  my two boppy pillows.  We could not live without them and still use them at least 4 times a day for feedings.

    2.  Travel swins

    Worst --

    1. I 2nd the bumpos.  I was impatient and purchased them new vs. finding them 2nd hand.  My two do not like them and have now learned how to rock back & forth and almost tip them over.  I can't wait to sell them at my next twins sale. 

    2.  Sleep positioners -- we registered for them, opened them & put them in the cribs and then were told by the NICU not to use them.  Just a waste of money (and stupidity on our end for thowing away the packaging!).

  • 1. Fisher Price baby papasan swings

    Ultimate Crib Sheet


    2. Podee Bottles as well!

    Any sippy cups that are NOT made by Playtex - they all seem to leak?

  • 1.  I have so many that I can't even count...
    Jumperoo/Exersaucer - right now the boys love them!!!
    Podee bottles - They are lifesavers for us...we use them daily.

    2 Fisherprice Rainforest Swing, breast pump (I ended up needing to rent one)

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  • The baby whoozit, swaddle-me blankets, Evenflo Baby Einstein exersaucer.

    The Fisher Price ceiling projector thing.


    Lilypie Kids Birthday tickersLilypie Second Birthday tickers
  • Best

    Swaddle me blankets
    Fisher Price Aquarium Bouncy seats
    Nuk pacifiers


    EZ 2 Nurse pillow (It is too big for us)
    The crib alarm thingy for sids (still in the box)
    Peanut Shell Slings (they HATED them)

  • Best - Bouncy, short sleeve onesies, .

    Worst - diaper wipe heater,

    bottle heater - it just fit one at a time.  Not practical with twins. 

    EZ2 nurse pillows - it was too big for me and the kids kept slipping between the pillow and me.  It was over $40 - what a waste.

    covered onesies (they were born in HOT florida weather and got TONS of them - ended up giving them to charity.

    recieved a gazillion receiving Gerber blankets - like we lived in Montana or something.

  • Oh forgot to add on the Best - Diaper Genie II - totally rocks!!!
  • Best:  Swaddlemes, EZ2Nurse Twin Pillow, Fisher Price Rainforest & Aquarium Take Along Swings, Boppy Bouncers, Homedics Sound Spa (aka baby crack machine), Baby Einstein Play Gym, Ultimate Crib Sheets

    Worst:  Slings, those cheap thin baby towels (Carter's terry ones are best!), Crib bedding sets (should have just gotten sheets and crib skirts), infant shoes (never wore them - just socks), blankets (a few are good, but we got WAAAAAY too many - personalized ones, homemade ones, you name it)

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