
Your time off work- Before Lo's arrival?

Was there a certain week you stopped working?

So far so good on this pregnancy and my doc's both say "We will see how far you make it" Well if everything is good do I work til 38 weeks? I know I can't plan for any of this as everything will happen when it is ready to happen just curious how it worked out for you all?

I hope this makes sense?

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Re: Your time off work- Before Lo's arrival?

  • Due to my lovely cervix, I got taken off work at 24 weeks.  I just depends how your body is handling the pregnancy as sometimes things are out of your control.  I work (or did work with up until my bedrest) with 2 other MoM's (w/ twins) that worked up until 32 and 36 weeks (and we work in a hospital standing on our feet a lot of the day) so each individual is different.

    Here's to a happy and uneventful remainder of your pregnancy Drinks

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  • I think it's going to depend on what kind of work you do.  I have a pretty intense desk job and a long commute.  So while my job wasn't physically demanding, I got tired pretty early.

    I started working from home at 24 weeks (contractions) and I stopped being able to sit upright at 32 weeks so I called it quits all together.


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  • I worked full time until the day before the girls were born by emergency C at 37w5d. Everyone's different!
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  • I had every intention of working up until I deliver, but this week has been really tough on me.  I'm retaining a ton of fluid in my feet, ankles and legs and its making it difficult to walk and get around.  I do have a desk job, but walking to meetings and sitting get so uncomfortable.

    I made the decision for this to be my last week at work and then I'm taking my last week before my scheduled c-section off of work.  So basically, I'm working FT until 37 weeks.

    Everyone is different and until you get to that point, you won't know how you will feel or what you might need to do medically speaking. 

    Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker BabyFruit Ticker image Eloise & Grant born 7/3/11
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    I'm a nuclear medicine technologist so I'm on and off my feet all day.  I had anticipated going PT at 32 weeks, but had to go on bedrest at 30w due to PTL.  I was off until my water broke and I delivered at 32w. 
    Wendy Twins 1/27/06. DS and DD
  • At my first OB appointment she said that at about 28 weeks is when alot of twin moms have had enough so to be prepared to be out of work around that time. I'm obviously going to see how I feel and if I don't have PTL then I think I could probably work longer than that. Although at my job I get 100% long term disability for 6 months so if I was taken out early it wouldn't effect our income. So that is something to consider for many as well.
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  • I've looked so many times for this and basically everyone says listen to your body. I am a surgical assistant and forever on my feet and moving. i'm 25.5 weeks and last week i went down to 3 days a week with sitting for the majority of the day. if it was up to my dr i would probably work up to 37 weeks and deliver then. my DH and I have talked about it and i'm going to be done at 30 weeks. just so tired and uncomfortable already!! good luck!!
  • I planned on working till the twins were born, but had to go to the hospital for PTL at 27w5d and have been off work since then. I was on modified bed rest from 27w5d till 32 weeks and was doing great (no more dilating, few contractions, etc), so last week he let me resume minimal activity. I still spend the majority of my time sitting with my feet up, but now I'm allowed a few trips out of the house a week (Dr visits, grocery shopping, etc) as long as I'm not up for more than 2-3 hours at a time.

    Everyone is different, and things can change VERY quickly! I had worked 8 1/2 hours the day we went to the hospital and felt fine until right before I left work.. it was very very sudden!

    Don't try to push yourself too hard and listen to your OB when he tells you it's time to take it easy. It can be frustrating - especially if you feel fine most of the time - but it is so so worth it if it means getting to take your babies home with you from the hospital Smile

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  • Great thanks guys!

    I am a coordinator at a hospital so I switch from sitting to standing throughout the day which has been  nice as I feel I get up to move around but i also get to sit a while.

    I only asked because I am so tired already and this belly is getting so big I feel like a wimp and really hate to complain especially since it took us so long to get KU. Just wanted to see how everyone else did...Thanks again!

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  • I worked right up to when I delivered....literally.  But I have a desk job where I remote in and I have clients that depend on me.  I did work from home from about 30 or 32 weeks on.  It was easier to get up, walk to the home office, and work then get up, get dressed, get in the car, and get to work.  I was exhausted by the time I got to my desk at work.  So my productivity was better at home.
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  • I worked up until the day before my scheduled C section because 1. I work from home at a desk and 2. had no complications during pregnancy.
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  • I stopped working at 32 weeks. I actually left my job permanently then, as I knew I wasn't going back once the babies were born.

    I was put on modified bed rest at that point and I'm pretty sure my doc would have pulled me out of work shortly thereafter had I not left on my own.

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