Cloth Diapering

Hybrids and inserts

Hello, I have an almost 4 month old baby girl, and I am finally starting to think that maybe I could handle cloth diapering.   My mom has been trying to convince me to cloth diaper since my baby was born, but I have not yet been convinced that its something I want to do, mostly because of my strong aversion to dirty diapers and the seemingly large amount of work that cloth diapers require.  So I am still researching and considering.  I have been looking into prefold diapers with covers, and I was wondering if the biodegradable inserts can be used with these types of diapers?  Or can they only be used with hybrids?  Any information or insight would be appreciated.  Thanks!

Re: Hybrids and inserts

  • You can use a biodegradable insert with most covers, but may have varying degrees of success. Personal experience has lead me to dislike the biodegradable inserts, so I can't say I'd recommend using them. Poo is not contained well and they definitely won't work overnight.

    Cloth diapering is really not difficult once you get it figured out. Granted, there is a learning curve, and it takes a little time to make it part of your routine. Now that we've been CDing for nearly 14 months, it's really a seamless part of our lives.

    Check the FAQs at the top of the board for information, and ask questions if you have them. Most of us have a lots of experience, and love to share what we know! :)

    Lilypie Second Birthday tickers Lilypie Pregnancy tickers
  • 1- your baby girl is adorable!

    2- we just started cloth diapering just before S turned 5 months, and it really is not any extra work. Well, ok, we have to spray the 1 poopy diaper each day, but really it's not bad at all. I never have to worry about running out of diapers or going to the store. And washing takes all of maybe 30 minutes actual work time. 

    We use the Bum Genius Flips most often, an insert and cover. Super easy to wash, no stuffing pockets. When he poops we switch covers. Easy Peasy! 

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  • With biodegradable inserts you would still have to wash the covers every 2-3 days, since you don't want them sitting too long.  You might find it simpler to just do all cloth.

    I second the Flip system.  It's easy and inexpensive.  Maybe you could get half a dozen inserts and 2 covers to test it out and see if you like it.  It's a popular enough system that you should be able to re-sell when you're done.

    Also, it sounds like you're looking for something that is close to disposables.  You may want to pick up a couple All In Ones (AIO) to see if you like them.  I don't use them, but GroVia AIO's and BumGenius Elementals seem to get good reviews on this board.

    Good luck!

  • hkg80hkg80 member
    Thanks for the info everyone.  I've been doing some research on the flips, that may be a good option for us.  I came across the g diapers too- are these different from the flips? Or the same general idea, just a different brand?  The world of cloth diapering is a little overwhelming with all the options!
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