...did you have a feeling or preference regarding the baby's sex?
And, if your feeling was wrong or your preference didn't come true, do you think it was harder to get used to it at delivery than it would have been at the big u/s?
We're pretty sure we don't want to know the sex this time, and that we don't really have a preference one way or the other. I'm just a little worried that since both of us feel like it's another girl, it might be harder to adjust if it's actually a boy and we've spent months picturing a sister for DD.
I'm going to try not to get too attached to my prediction (which was SO wrong with DD, anyway), but wanted to hear your stories to help me decide for sure. My big u/s is the day before Thanksgiving, so we have a lot of time to ponder the decision!
My blog: Bear With Us
Ideas on Teaching Your Toddler/Preschooler at Home
Re: If DC's sex was a delivery surprise for you...
I so wish I could go back and give 4mo to get used to the fact that she was a girl. He so so wanted a boy and was a little disapointed when she was a girl. A couple of hours later everything was wonderful.
I want another little girl so bad I can't stand it. DH still wants a boy.
GL, Alot of time? Thanksgiving is going to be here before you know it.
We tried to find out at the U/S and the tech couldn't even guess for us. My gut told me it was a girl and I ended up being right, but during the last 20 weeks I kept reminding myself that I could be wrong and tried not get too attached to one or the other.
I know some people like being surprised, but I hate it. I would much rather know and have the extra time to mentally bond with my "son" or "daughter". This is just the way my mind works.
Nora Judith 7/2/06 Miles Chauncey 4/20/09 born with Trisomy 21 - Down syndrome
I'm really glad we found out at the big u/s. We'd planned on being surprised, but I had started to really convince myself we were having a girl and I was afraid if I spent my entire pregnancy thinking we were having a DD and then ended up with another DS that I'd be devastated at the birth. We're having another boy and I was briefly disappointed but I've totally grown to love the idea of two little boys and am so excited for L to have a little brother. I was a hot hormonal mess postpartum last time and I just didn't think that adding disappointment to my already unstable emotional state would be a good idea.
We do plan on #3 being a surprise, though. I really want to experience the "it's a..." moment.
I thought for sure I was having a girl! ?I was so out of it once DS was born that I remember looking at my mom saying "I'm so sorry I thought for sure it was a girl!" ?LOL ?My mom was like, but he is a beautiful boy! ?And my DH was SOOO excited and proud! ?Seriously one of the BEST moments of my life EVER was seeing DHs reaction to it being a boy! ?It is forever implanted in my mind! ?But after my?initial?reaction, which I don't really count since I was so out of it after 12 hours of labor and 2 hours of pushing, I was?absolutely?fine with DS being a boy! ?There was no adjusting or anything on my part. I loved him?immediately!
Oh and FWIW when we get pg in the future they will all be surprise births as well.?
Our baby Girl Lillian Mary-Ellen born 5-19-10 at 12:59pm weighing 8lbs 4oz 19in!
Baby #3 on it's way due March 15th, 2012!
Check out my Blog: http://mommymakescents.com
Our baby Girl Lillian Mary-Ellen born 5-19-10 at 12:59pm weighing 8lbs 4oz 19in!
Baby #3 on it's way due March 15th, 2012!
Check out my Blog: http://mommymakescents.com
I was very glad we found out at the u/s with DC no. 2. I hadn't realized quite how much I wanted a girl until we found out we were having a boy. It took me 2 days to get used to the idea. Now, however, I can't wait to meet my second little guy. I don't know if I would've had the same disappointed feelings at his birth or not, but I do feel better having had time to adjust to the idea before we meet him. And I know exactly what PP Grantand means when she says the disappointment was not about DS, but about never getting to experience a little girl. Two totally separate things, I agree!
?Anyway, I'd say after reading all these responses, you probably know what you feel in your gut about when to find out. Good luck!??