My whole neighborhood is buzzing. Last night the pizza guy told my DH he saw two big mountain lions running through the open space behind our house!!!!
We've always assumed they're out there but you'd never actually see them. Bears too. And the coyotes and deer are pretty regular visitors so they're no big deal.
But freakin' lions??? Yikes! I'm not leaving the house!
Re: NBR-Mountain Lions!
DD -- 5YO
DS -- 3YO
LOL! We get those and cougars wandering into town sometimes, and it freaks me out, even though I've never seen them. I'm probably more bothered about the dumb deer that keep eating my crab apple tree and putting divets in my grass. And the skunk that wanders into my yard occasionally.
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Sorry, hon. A fence won't do a thing. The only thing that truly works is to be vigilant and keep anything that remotely looks or smells like food far away from them. No birdfeeders, garbage cans outside, etc. A 6 food fence is a jungle gym to bears.
I guess I kinda expect Mountain Lions in the Rocky Mountain State. But even so, I'd been a bit nervous to know they were nearby.
Heck, I freaked with the coyote in our driveway. I'm used to deer and bunnies and the occasional black bear sighting (less common by my house, as I'm very close to a shopping mall). But a Mountain Lion would worry me.
Bronx Zoo: Summer 2013
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I'm not surprised at all that lions are around... but we aren't in their usual habitat and no one has ever seen them. Heck, we're in a subdivision right along the interstate! But the creek behind our house leads directly to the Air Force Academy so it's really just a short stroll for the critters to get over here.
The way I see it, we live in their space so we're the ones who need to be careful.
Mountain Lions have been seen here in the Moutain State as well (WV). They have been extinct in this area for at least 150 years but there is some evidence that they are making their way east again. So that Connecticut lion might have been one of those eastern traveling ones.
Yeah, my family in central Iowa has seen tracks and there have been sightings there, too.
They're so shy, I doubt I'd see them. But it'd be really cool!
Fortunately, my yappy rat dog of a neighbor and his monstrously big yappy buddy are moving to Kansas TODAY!! We're praying that the new renter will NOT have pets.
But yeah, no one leaves pets out at night in this neighborhood. They don't last long that way.