So I am going to be teaching at the Community College this fall. The semester runs from end of Aug to Dec.12. I am due Nov 22. I figure I will either go into labor or be induced right before my due date. I will be teaching MWF for 2 hours. I would like to return back to the classroom within a week and a half to two weeks after having number 2. I am hoping that the second birth will be easier and it will be near the end of the semester so I will only have a few weeks left and then be off for a month or so. DH said he would take time off after baby came while I went to class. Has anyone done anything like this? I know it will be rough, but hopefully manageable.
Re: Going back to work right after #2?
I wouldnt plan on it. I had a horribly long recovery with #2. I committed going back to my part time job at 6 weeks PP as I work 15 hours a week. I had to take an extra 2 weeks off because I couldnt even physically handle a 15 hour week at that point.
Giving birth is too unpredictable. Sure, there are some women who have super easy deliveries and are back on ther feet quickly. I wouldnt count on it, though. Adjusting to 2u2 is hard enough without a job in the way. Give yourself the extra time.
I will be popping into the office for a couple hours a week starting a week or two after I give birth (via c-section). I don't trust my co workers to do my job and I'd rather stay on top of putting out fires than have a billion issues when I get back LOL.
I did it with LO#1 and it wasn't too bad. But I also am able to bring LO with me and I sit at a desk. Teaching (on your feet) may be different.