I feel like it is some breach of shower etiquette to have one too early, however with multiples, I'm wondering if there is a little more leeway since you look like you are further along than you are, and people like to see a big belly at showers. My due date is 11/24, but I will deliver by 11/10. So, in reality I may go any time between mid-October and mid-November. I feel like that rules out October and September is tough with Labor Day and other family events planned. Would end of August be considered tacky? I would be 27 wks, 2 days. Would love to hear when others had their showers and any advice, if it's better to do it sooner rather than later. Thanks!
Re: When did you have your shower?
Josiah James
Naomi Rose
I don't think there's anything tacky with doing it a bit early with multiples - people should understand that you'll likely deliver early and it's hard to do stuff like set up the nursery, etc. at the end since you're so uncomfortable. And by 27 weeks, you'll look plenty pregnant that no one should question you having a shower - at that point, I was measuring almost full term
My shower was scheduled for 23 weeks, since I didn't want to travel too late and it was in Ohio where my family lives. But then I was put on bedrest at 20 weeks, so we had to postpone it after invites went out and everything. We finally had it two weekends ago, when we brought the babies to visit my mom. It was lots of fun, and everyone loved getting to see the babies.
we are having a ''sprinkle'' in 2 weeks, the babies will be a month old by then,
reason why we didnt have a shower sooner was because SIL was having one and wanted us to have it together, which I refused to,
I had my shower at 29 weeks and was already on modified bedrest at that time. Basically I had to sit in a chair and couldn't get up and socialize with my guests. They had to come to me. Every time I tried to get up from the chair someone was yelling at me to sit back down. It was not ideal.
I definitely do not think 27 weeks is too early. Go for it!
Had mine (well a "Sprinkle" b/c these are not my 1st children) last weekend (~28 weeks) and I am sooooo glad I did not wait any longer. I feel like I am really slowing down these days and as PP mentioned there are things that need to get washed, put away and bought after shower so having it earlier is better to allow time for these things to get done.
In fact yesterday I went to BRU get some things we needed with some GC's from the shower/ aka sprinkle and ran into a friend of mine who is 36+ weeks w/ a singleton. She was just zipping around the store picking things up, while I waddled around and had to ask customer service to get some stuff for me b/c I did not want to walk back across the store. Pregnancy with multiples is just a whole different ball game