Hoping for a VBAC =]

Hello ladies. A little background first I suppose..

  My name is Nicole and I'm 23 years old. We had our DD in 2007 via C/S at 37 weeks and 1 day. I delivered early because my doctor said my DDs growth had slowed down and he was concerned for her. He wasn't sure if it was me or Genetics.

  I was not forced to have a C/S I chose to have it. At the time I was very afraid to face the pain of labor. Little did I know that the pain of a C/S was MUCH worse. After surgery my doctor said I had made the right choice because my uterus is 'heart shaped' or 'Bicornuate'.

 I'm now 18 weeks pregnant and DO NOT want a C/S for many reasons all of you ladies know about. I've never had a problem with my 'heart shaped' uterus. No miscarriages . No stillbirths. The only thing that has happened that MAY be cause by it is some spotting that occurred during my first trimester. I received an ultrasound by a specialist who said he couldn't tell if my uterus was heart shaped but it didn't mean it wasn't there.

 Has anyone been in this situation? I don't want to go through another C/S. I've written up a birth plan expecting a VBAC and I almost feel silly doing so. I feel like I'm wishing for something that isn't possible for me. Please someone give me hope!

 Thank you. Sorry if this is all over the place. I'm just frustrated.  

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Re: Hoping for a VBAC =]

  • Hi and welcome! I doing really know anything about bicornuate uteri, but what does your doctor say? Are you with the same one? If so, could you get a second opinion? That would be my first move.

    If you do have to have another c/s, talk with your doctor about all your concerns. Perhaps things can go differently. 

  • He said he only wants to do a VBAC if we are going into it knowing I shouldn't have a problem. He doesn't want us to 'attempt' it. You know what I mean? I am with the same doctor. I suppose I could get a second opinion but the specialist said my doctor is the only one that has actually seen my uterus. So he is the one that can tell me how severe it is. I'm very bad at sticking to my guns or putting my foot down unless I'm really angry so I know this is all going to be a difficult task for me.
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  • I also recommend getting a second opinion.  I have a friend with a unicornuate uterus who had 2 vaginal births.

    If you do have another c/s, talk to your doctor about how you can make it a better experience.  Better pain management options, etc. 

    I know it can be hard to stand your ground in medical situations, but you can do it. :) 


    Big sister {September 2008} Sweet boy {April 2011} Fuzzy Bundle {ETA July 2014}

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  • Great idea. Thank you so much.

    I just feel bad because I really do trust my doctor. I feel and have heard that he's the best. As time gets closer I will know more information. By then I will know what I need to do.

     Thanks for the encouraging words too. =] 

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