Hello ladies. A little background first I suppose..
My name is Nicole and I'm 23 years old. We had our DD in 2007 via C/S at 37 weeks and 1 day. I delivered early because my doctor said my DDs growth had slowed down and he was concerned for her. He wasn't sure if it was me or Genetics.
I was not forced to have a C/S I chose to have it. At the time I was very afraid to face the pain of labor. Little did I know that the pain of a C/S was MUCH worse. After surgery my doctor said I had made the right choice because my uterus is 'heart shaped' or 'Bicornuate'.
I'm now 18 weeks pregnant and DO NOT want a C/S for many reasons all of you ladies know about. I've never had a problem with my 'heart shaped' uterus. No miscarriages . No stillbirths. The only thing that has happened that MAY be cause by it is some spotting that occurred during my first trimester. I received an ultrasound by a specialist who said he couldn't tell if my uterus was heart shaped but it didn't mean it wasn't there.
Has anyone been in this situation? I don't want to go through another C/S. I've written up a birth plan expecting a VBAC and I almost feel silly doing so. I feel like I'm wishing for something that isn't possible for me. Please someone give me hope!
Thank you. Sorry if this is all over the place. I'm just frustrated.
Re: Hoping for a VBAC =]
Hi and welcome! I doing really know anything about bicornuate uteri, but what does your doctor say? Are you with the same one? If so, could you get a second opinion? That would be my first move.
If you do have to have another c/s, talk with your doctor about all your concerns. Perhaps things can go differently.
I also recommend getting a second opinion. I have a friend with a unicornuate uterus who had 2 vaginal births.
If you do have another c/s, talk to your doctor about how you can make it a better experience. Better pain management options, etc.
I know it can be hard to stand your ground in medical situations, but you can do it.
Great idea. Thank you so much.
I just feel bad because I really do trust my doctor. I feel and have heard that he's the best. As time gets closer I will know more information. By then I will know what I need to do.
Thanks for the encouraging words too. =]