Please comment after this with your EDD, genders (if you know them or team green if you don't want to,) their names (if you want,) and anything else you'd like to add.
I'm thinking this will be a Monday or Tuesday check-in thing. I'll let you know after I compile the list.
Re: If you want on the weekly MoM to be check in list...
Thanks so much for doing this!
My EDD is 9/6, but my c/s is scheduled for 38 weeks on 8/23. Two girls, but no names picked yet.
EDD is 1/19/2012
I won't know the gender until August :-)
Thank you for doing this.
EDD is Dec 31 but Dr said they will come at or before 34 weeks which is Nov 11. We find out the genders in about 5 weeks.
EDD 9/29
boy/boy - Owen and Miles
Peanut Butter and Jelly!
<a href="
Edd 10-14-11 and doc will let me go the full 40 weeks.
g/g Anara Hope and Ivy Ruth
Thanks for putting this together!
EDD 9/16 - eviction date 9/2 or before
Team Blue: Carson & Cohen
EDD 9/22
2 girls.... Addisyn Beth and Farran Louise
Diagnosed PCOS 2/07, TTC #1 since 8/09
11/10 - Clomid Round 1 = BFN
12/10 - Clomid Round 2 = BFN
1/11 - Voluntary Break = BFN (duh)
2/11 - Clomid Round 3 = BFN
3/11 - Femara + IUI = BFP * Beta#1=56 * Beta#2=266
*Cautiously expecting baby girls on November 28, 2011*
Thanks for putting this together!
EDD: 10/31 C/S date: 10/17 at the latest
ID Boys, not even cose to deciding on names...
Thank you for organizing this!
Due date is 11/23 C-section will probably be first week in November or last week in October.
One boy, one girl! Have no idea about names but I better get on it b/c that is the hardest thing to agree on with DH.
Sweet! Thanks!
EDD: Oct 12th, Doc won't let me go past the last week in Sept but I love the look on people's faces when they look at my belly bump and I say due date is Oct HA!
B/G Twins, Not 100% sure on names yet
EDD: 10/26/11 boy/boy no names yet
EDD is 7/26 but c-section is scheduled for 7/11.
Boy/Girl: Grant and Eloise
EDD: 10/31
Team Blue: names undecided!
iui #5 2/7 + 2/8 = BFP!! 11 dpiui
Beta #1 2/18 11dpiui= 46, Beta #2 13dpiui 150, Beta #3 16dpiui 584!!
u/s revealed triplets! Baby B 3rd loss 8w2d. Twins! EDD 10/31/11 * c/s scheduled 10/12/11 My NEW BLOG
Oh I want on the list!
My EDD is 11/11/11, we found out yesterday we are having a boy and a girl!
EDD is November 5
Clara & Madeline
EDD is 9/26
g/g twins. names are Quinn Marie and Lydia Claire.
Thanks for doing this!
EDD is 8/31/11 but OB says we'll deliver no later than 8/17
Team Green with no names picked out yet
This is awesome!
EDD: 10/12
Genders: Identical girls
Names: Haven't completely decided yet.
Thanks for doing this!!
EDD October 25
Boy & Girl
Lincoln & Carly
TTC #2 since 4/09
Unexplained Secondary IF
4 failed rounds of clomid ~ 4 failed IUIs ~ 1 m/c
2/3/11: IUI #5 - Femara/Follistim/Ovidrel/Crinone = BFP (2/14)!!!
Beta #1 (12dpiui): 53 Beta #2 (14dpiui): 203 Beta #3 (20dpiui): 3932 Beta #4 (28dpiui): 60,775
1st U/S (3/3): 2 sacs & yolks 2nd U/S (3/8) 2 heartbeats-TWINS!
Baby A:6w6d HR 131 Baby B:6w4d HR 124
TWINS!! EDD 10/25/2011
EDD: 8/9/11 with eviction date of 8/3/11
Two girls: Meredith and Natalie
Thanks, it's cool to see everyone's dates and info...
My due date is 8/31/11, boy and girl, named Levi and Page.
yay i'm excited about this!
my EDD is Oct 21
Genders are g/g
thanks so much!
EDD: 12/27...praying to make it to 36 weeks. Hoping next week to take first guesses at gender. Two identicals and a tag-a-long.
EDD 10/19/2011
Gender: Boy/Girl Royce Michael and Raegan Rae
Thanks for doing this!
EDD 10/17/11
Two boys!
No names yet...
EDD 11/18
triplets - 2 girls, 1 boy
Caroline and Hunter, other girl name is still up for debate
Add me to the list please!
My EDD is Feb 3/2011. We'll be finding out the gender in August!
Thanks for organizing!
EDD is 10/28 but doctor confirmed I'll have a c-section by 37 weeks. I pray the babies don't have different plans.
Boy/Girl twins and names are Josiah James and Naomi Rose.
Josiah James
Naomi Rose
Thank you for putting together the list!
My EDD date is 11/23/11 (hoping for a little earile, 11/11/11 would be awesome!)
We are team purple!
No names picked as of yet but hopefully soon!