Miscarriage/Pregnancy Loss

Another Diagnosis!

Went for yet another follow up! Not only do I have hypothyroidism but I also have Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome. I fear the next diagnosis! It has been 6 weeks since my m/c and I still have not got my menstrual cycle. It is hard to believe it was only a few months ago I was pregnant and now it will be difficult to get pregnant again! I am so heartbroken, even more than I was before. I am sad, angry, and frustrated. I feel like my family does not understand. My husband does not know what to say but it happened once it will happen again. But, the way the dr acted today I may need more medication not just for health but in order to get pregnant. My mother is not comforting at all. She told me everyone in our family are fertile and finds it hard to believe this what I am going through. Yeah thanks for reminding me everyone is fertile but me!
TTC #1 since 5/10 BFP 4/9/11 Natural M/C 5/15/11 Hypothyroidism and PCOS Clomid 1/13...

Re: Another Diagnosis!

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    Oh man, I'm another one who comes from a family of  "Fertile Myrtle's" and I'm the only one who has difficulties.  My Mom, sis and cousins cannot relate at all.  That's why I find comfort in support boards like this.  All the feelings you're feeling are completely normal.  I've known people who have PCOS and have gone on to have healthy pregnancies.  Hang in there and you can always vent here!
    Daisypath Anniversary tickers Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker Lilypie Angel and Memorial tickers Lilypie Angel and Memorial tickers image image image Photobucket TTC since 2005 10/07 failed IUI with Gonal F and trigger 12/07 2nd failed IUI with Gonal F and trigger, right ovary hyperstimulated. 4/10/08 while saving for IVF, got our first BFP with the OVWatch! DD born 12/3/08 :) 7/10/10 BFP #2, m/c 6w blighted ovum 5/25/11 BfP #3, m/c 8w had hb at 6w, started spotting at 8w, no hb. TTC again ever since!
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    Hi: First off, I just want to give you a virtual hug. I know how disappointing it is to hear things such as a diagnosis come one after the other. And I know it's hard not to spiral downward and despair. But personally for you, I think this is good news. I have mild PCOS and have been using Metformin for a number of months. I think it did help in getting me pregnant two times (although I've been unable to hold the pregnancies).

    Both PCOS and hypothroidism are treatable and treating these issues may help you to get pregnant and keep a pregnancy which is good news too.

    But you may not be there yet emotionally so just take the time you need. Be mad, angry and sad and talk to us as often as you need to.


    TTC since April 2010, age 40, 3 miscarriages in total IVF w/PGD June 2012 - failed cycle with a genetically perfect embryo, unexplained infertility January 2013 - On to adoption!!!
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