Two Under 2

2u1? Freaking out.

So, I just had a baby girl on 4/9/11 and found out I'm pregnant again. My tentative due date is 3/4/12 but I'm sure a dating ultrasound will change that. I'm seriously freaking out.

I've been dealing with slight PPD. I just got on an anti-depressant. I feel overwhelmed with a baby and a 5 year old. I can't believe I'm about to repeat the process. I cannot believe I let this happen.

I feel irresponsible. We aren't ready for a baby. We don't have the means to support what we have, let alone another one.

I'm probably going to stalk this board, alot, in the coming months. 

Chelsea; 7/22/2005 Carissa; 4/9/2011 Cassidy; 9/6/2012
Baby #4; 7/7/2018

Re: 2u1? Freaking out.

  • I am sending you a huge hug right now!  I totally get how you feel and where you are coming from. My kids are 11 months apart, so I had 2 under 1 as well. After having DD at 26 weeks, I was not prepared to have another child, mentally, emotionally or physically nor were we ready financially. I actually found out I was pregnant the week after DD came home from the hospital, when I went to have an IUD placed. It was pretty ironic actually because when I walked in the nurse said I hope you're not pregnant, to which I replied I seriously can't handle that right now. She came back 5 minutes later and broke the news. I was hysterical. I considered having what I call "The Big A." I even made an appointment, but in the end I just couldn't do it. Let me tell you, my son is one of the best things that has ever happened to me and I am so thankful for him. It was really tough at first, but we made it work. It actually helped that DD wasn't walking yet when he was born and my DH and family helped out a lot. Good luck!
  • Welcome and congrats! I'm glad you found this board.

    I know it's tough to be excited about another pregnancy under these circumstances, but I promise it will pay off in the future. When your 3rd is here, you will not be able to picture your life without him/her.

    In terms of how to manage financially, luckily you have another 8 months to get everything in order. Are you renting? Can you find a cheaper place from now until then? If not, can DH get a part time job so you can save up some money for the new baby expenses? If you're doing daycare, perhaps you can find a more affordable option? Starting now, cut out every unnecessary expense that you have and save up as much as possible.

    Best wishes that everything works out for you! If it's any comfort, I found life with kids 12.5 months apart a lot easier than I thought it was going to be in my head.

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  • Thank you ladies for the kind words.


    Funny story, our situation sucks. I left my job, on bad terms. We then moved out of our apartment, into my parents so I could go back to school full-time. This was a good plan. It was going to suck for a couple years but then I'd have my degree and we could move on with our lives. But I can't stay here pregnant. And I was the money maker, my H scraps metal part-time. He's trying to up his business to be able to support us but it's crappy situation.

    My family is going to give me hell, and I don't blame them. It was irresponsible to have sex without BC. I know, I really didn't believe it would happen. And we weren't having sex THAT often, but apparently that's all it needed.

    I'm just trying to take it a day at a time. Right now, I'm worrying about a place to live. Then once we move out, I'll figure out how to tell our families. lol 

    Chelsea; 7/22/2005 Carissa; 4/9/2011 Cassidy; 9/6/2012
    Baby #4; 7/7/2018
  • Hi im a mother of a nine month old baby and just found out im pregnant it was a shock but a blessing god wouldnt gives more than we can handle God Bless you and youre family.
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  • smerkasmerka member

    I freaked out too when I found out.  The delivery of my first was really brutal and I'm sure I had a mild case of PPD.  I cried for a long time and didn't even really want to talk about the new baby until well into the second trimester.  Back to back pregnancies was pretty tough on my older body (I'm 38 now). 

    But #2 is here now and I couldn't have asked for a sweeter baby.  You'll get through it, I promise.  There is a lot of support out there for moms, you just need to find it.  Try the hospital, churches, the internet, moms groups.

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