Washington Babies

Edmund Update

Edmund has had his NAM for 2 weeks now. And everything is going really smoothly. His cleft needs to close 19mm before they will do the surgery. The first week it went from 19mm to 17mm and then today it has went from 17mm to 14.5mm left. The dentist at Children's is very happy with his progress. This still puts surgery sometime in September.

I'm just glad that the NAM is doing what they want it to do. Plus I think he is finally used to it and doesn't even mind it being taken out twice a day to clean it anymore. Sometimes I have to make him cry just to get him to open his mouth wide enough to put it back in.

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Re: Edmund Update

  • Yay Edmund!

    He looks so cute in his sounders gear with daddy!

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  • That's great news! I am glad little Edmund is doing well. 
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  • I'm glad to hear things are going well.
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  • imagepinktulips:

    Yay Edmund!

    He looks so cute in his sounders gear with daddy!

    Yup this! So happy things are going well, and thank you for keeping us updated.

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  • Yay Edmund! Yes
    Image and video hosting by TinyPic EDD: September 22, 2012 BabyFruit Ticker
  • Almost 5 millimeters in 2 weeks??  That sounds good!!  So, you're almost 1/4 of the way there, or it needs to close 19 more mm?? 

    I'm really happy to hear he's making such nice progress!!  Hopefully a sign of only more good things to come.

    Warning No formatter is installed for the format bbhtml
  • We are almost a quarter of the way there. It needs to close at least 19 before the surgery.
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  • yes! that is fab news!!
    Lilypie Fourth Birthday tickers
  • Great news!!!
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  • That's fantastic news!
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  • Hooray!  Glad it's working and that he doesn't mind it. :)

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  • It sounds like he's making good progress!

    I can't imagine having to go through this - it would be so tough to see one of my kids dealing with something that hurt them :(  That having been said, I just wanted to encourage you - even those of us whose kids have nothing out of the normal to deal with make them cry regularly just to do the things we need to.

    For example, Madelyn freaks out (and has since she was born) every time I have to change her clothes.  It's better now, but when she was little, seriously, every night was a major melt down.

    William has allergies and constantly scratches himself till he's bleeding.  We are constantly trimming his nails and putting medication on the worst parts.  He cries big aweful baby sobs every time we do this (which is several times a day).

    William has a hard time with respitory stuff - if he gets a cold it will settle into his lungs for a long time.  Consequently, we have to treat him with medication that requires either a nebulizer or an inhaler.  He *hates* it and does the ugly cry when we do it (which actually helps get it into his lungs).

    I have lots of other examples - and my point isn't to talk about anything my kids have to deal with, which are all very minor in the big picture of health issues, but just that I hate making them cry - and we all, every day, make our babies cry while trying to take care of them.  It's the only way they have to communicate with us, especially at Edmund's age.

  • I am so happy to hear this!  I love the Sounders pic too!  I'll keep thinking happy thoughts that he continues to have amazing quick progress!
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