We have 18 Pregnant Bumpies!! (Please reply to the post if you would like your information added to the Check In!)
5 are having GIRLS
4 are having a BOYS
3 are keeping it a SURPRISE
6 are UNKNOWN just yet
We have 5 ladies TTC
Other News
Please note: Next week the check-in will be on Tuesday as I will be away from a computer on the Holiday.
We have several new additions to the check-in this week. Love seeing so many ladies participating!
July is looking to have lots of excitement. How are you doing July mamas? Are you ready?
Baby Watch This Week!
None this week
July 2011
4 - Courtney11405 - SURPRISE
4 ? outlandartist - GIRL
6 - LauraLynneC ? BOY
August 2011
8 - QuincysBerry ? GIRL
25 - ohyeahdollface ? GIRL
October 2011
20 ? karebear219 - GIRL
23 (Possible CS 10/18) ? IkesHawiian06 ? BOY
24 ? BriAndSean ? SURPRISE
31 (Possible CS 10/17) - ~Lynchie~ - BOY x 2
November 2011
7 ? jenseattle07 ? BOY
11 ? kristalovesjared - GIRL
26 ? AimeeJo ? UNKNOWN
January 2012
6 ? crystalw13 ? SURPRISE
26 - WatchPot ? UNKNOWN
February 2012
8 ? patsad24 - UNKNOWN
20 ? dreamscometrue - UNKNOWN
21 ? cmcmillan ? UNKNOWN
21 ? jennlin ? UNKNOWN
Trying to Conceive
dawnies79 ? May 2011 (took a TTC break, but now we?re back)
Alli923 ? June 2011
tst1998 ? August 2009
KRoesToes ? December 2008
Pregnant Questions
1. What week are you in? Any new aches or pains?
2. When is your next appointment? Will anything special happen at that appointment?
3. What are you looking forward to this week?
4. If this is #2 or more; is there anything you'll need besides clothes (if the new baby/ies are the opposite sex)? ?kristalovesjared
5. Moms who coupon: how long did it take you to get really "good" at it? How much do you think it saves you each month? ?ikeshawiian06
6. Mom's of 2 or more. Are you buying a new crib or moving #1 into a big bed? -cmcmillan
7. Questions for next week?
***When appropriate, please try to answer the TTC questions as it gives the ladies some insight as well!***
TTCing Questions
1. What cycle are you on? Waiting to O or 2WW?
2. What are you looking forward to this week?
4. What steps are/did others take during the TTC process? I've got prenatals, hoping to get back on the exercise train this week. What else? If I'm going to give up my beloved soda when I get PG, should I do it now? ?RJM050705
5. Did people change their exercise routines significantly when TTC? After almost 2 years of this, I've pretty much given up on giving things up. It doesn't really seem to make a difference. I'm fairly certain I'm not going to want to keep running as much as I am once I'm pregnant, but should I be cutting back now? I know running isn't our problem because I didn't start running until over a year into TTC. I needed something to distract me from the whole TTC process. ?tst1998
6. Questions for next week?
ETA: Added note about next week's check-in
Re: PG & TTC Check-In 6/27/11
1. What week are you in? Any new aches or pains? 6. Morning sickness started this morning. I threw up in the parking lot of the P&R. klassy!
2. When is your next appointment? Will anything special happen at that appointment? just meeting with the nurse... excited for August when we get the 1st u/s.
3. What are you looking forward to this week? my boss being out of town
4. If this is #2 or more; is there anything you'll need besides clothes (if the new baby/ies are the opposite sex)? ?kristalovesjared: lots. we used a hand-me-down travel system last time & will buy new this time, buying a new crib so DD can keep her convertible crib (converting to TB in a few months), need bassinet as I hated the one we used with DD.
5. Moms who coupon: how long did it take you to get really "good" at it? How much do you think it saves you each month? ?ikeshawiian06: I'm not hard core about it, I just pay close attention. I save about 38% on groceries each week simply planning meals based on what's on sale & using safeway's coupons.
6. Mom's of 2 or more. Are you buying a new crib or moving #1 into a big bed? -cmcmillan buying a new crib. Don't want #1 to feel too displaced with new baby
7. Questions for next week? Moms with #2 on the way, if LO is going to be 24-30 months when #2 is born...how do you plan on prepping #1 for it? I'm affraid LO is too young to understand?
TTCing Questions
1. What cycle are you on? Waiting to O or 2WW? This is our 2nd cycle. In the middle of O.
2. What are you looking forward to this week? Getting a pedi with one of my fav ladies tomorrow!
4. What steps are/did others take during the TTC process? I've got prenatals, hoping to get back on the exercise train this week. What else? I'm mostly doing the obvious things like cutting back on OTC meds like allergy pills, cutting back on alcohol (although I don't drink much anyway). Thanks to an awesome Bumpie I just learned about taking Pomegranate supplements to help thicken the uterine lining so I have started that. Other than that it's mostly business as usual for me.
If I'm going to give up my beloved soda when I get PG, should I do it now? I would say that is up to you. How difficult do you think it will be to stop cold turkey when you do get pg? If you think it will be tough, maybe start weaning yourself off of it now?
5. Did people change their exercise routines significantly when TTC? After almost 2 years of this, I've pretty much given up on giving things up. It doesn't really seem to make a difference. I'm fairly certain I'm not going to want to keep running as much as I am once I'm pregnant, but should I be cutting back now? I know running isn't our problem because I didn't start running until over a year into TTC. I needed something to distract me from the whole TTC process. I really have no clue about this one. Have you asked your doc if you need to change your exercise routine? I would assume (and this is a total guess) that exercise would be a good thing to do. That said there may be some perimeters to follow as far as how much or how strenuous the exercise?
6. Questions for next week? Nope
Pregnant Questions
1. What week are you in? Any new aches or pains?
*Week 18, lower back is starting to hurt a bit, wanting to start yoga to help that problem...
2. When is your next appointment? Will anything special happen at that appointment?
*Friday, Anatomy scan and hope to find out baby is healthy and the sex!
3. What are you looking forward to this week?
*Seeing the baby and start shopping! Also, 3 day weekend!
4. If this is #2 or more; is there anything you'll need besides clothes (if the new baby/ies are the opposite sex)? ?kristalovesjared
5. Moms who coupon: how long did it take you to get really "good" at it? How much do you think it saves you each month? ?ikeshawiian06
*I don't coupon much at all but would like to start. I just learned about a website that you pick the grocery store you shop at, it tells you the sales and plans meals/recipes around whats on sale so I hope to start utilizing that more.
6. Mom's of 2 or more. Are you buying a new crib or moving #1 into a big bed? -cmcmillan
7. Questions for next week?
If you have already had #1 or are already thinking about it, how many people had their mom's in the delivery room? I'm torn on this. I love my mom, know she'd be supportive but I don't know how many people I want in there.....I don't know if it will be a let's wait and see how I feel thing but feel like I should let her know ahead of time....
Pregnant Questions
1. What week are you in? 22 Any new aches or pains? Only when I sit, or stand... or lay down...
2. When is your next appointment? It was today Will anything special happen at that appointment? nothing outside the norm
3. What are you looking forward to this week? this is my last week of work before vacation!!!
4. If this is #2 or more; is there anything you'll need besides clothes (if the new baby/ies are the opposite sex)? ?kristalovesjared My situation is different than yours, but I needed one more of EVERYTHING!
5. Moms who coupon: how long did it take you to get really "good" at it? How much do you think it saves you each month? ?ikeshawiian06
6. Mom's of 2 or more. Are you buying a new crib or moving #1 into a big bed? -cmcmillan both Even if this was just one baby, we would have moved H to a big boy bed, but he is much older than W. I would probably leave him in a crib if he was W's age.
7. Questions for next week?
1. What week are you in? 39 weeks on Wednesday
Any new aches or pains? *knocking on wood* nothing. I'm feeling pretty good still!
2. When is your next appointment? Will anything special happen at that appointment? Every Wednesday - probably an internal as usual but otherwise nothing special. Both of my OBs are on vacation this week so I'm meeting with the midwife.
3. What are you looking forward to this week? A long weekend with NO CAR SHOWS!! I have a long list of stuff I still have to do to be ready for this baby - wash clothes, last minute shopping (my mom cancelled my baby shower so now I'm scrambling), generally trying to get/feel organized.
4. If this is #2 or more; is there anything you'll need besides clothes (if the new baby/ies are the opposite sex)? This is #3 - but it's been 15.5 years - so I need everything!!
5. Moms who coupon: how long did it take you to get really "good" at it? How much do you think it saves you each month? I really really want to do coupons but I'm so completely disorganized that it's hard to do.
6. Mom's of 2 or more. Are you buying a new crib or moving #1 into a big bed? I moved my daughter into a full sized bed around age 1 - we were TTC and I wanted there to be no connection to the crib when #2 used it (and #1 was a freakin' escape artist when it came to the crib - I didn't sleep well waiting for her to fall out on her head...she never did but I moved her to the big bed and put the crib mattress on the floor next to the big bed until I was sure she was going to not fall out of the big bed)
Pregnant Questions
1. What week are you in? Any new aches or pains? 23 weeks. I'm feeling round ligament pain still and my lower back hurts. I've also started having braxton hicks on occasion.
2. When is your next appointment? Will anything special happen at that appointment? July 6th - nothing special
3. What are you looking forward to this week? I'm leading worship at church this Sunday and I'm super nervous, but I'm excited about it.
4. If this is #2 or more; is there anything you'll need besides clothes (if the new baby/ies are the opposite sex)? ?kristalovesjared ~ We had an old swing, so we need one of those. I don't think we'll need too much though, which is nice. We were surprised with Emma, so our big stuff is all pretty gender neutral.
5. Moms who coupon: how long did it take you to get really "good" at it? How much do you think it saves you each month? ?ikeshawiian06 My question - I've started buying Sunday papers and I'm organizing my coupon notebook :-)
6. Mom's of 2 or more. Are you buying a new crib or moving #1 into a big bed? -cmcmillan ~ Emma is in a toddler bed, but we're thinking about moving her to a twin size bed so we can use the toddler mattress in the crib.
7. Questions for next week?
4. If I'm going to give up my beloved soda when I get PG, should I do it now? ?RJM050705 - I haven't given up soda. I don't need it, but I don't keep it away. I've been craving pepsi the last week or two.
5. Did people change their exercise routines significantly when TTC? I didn't change my routine.Pregnant Questions
1. What week are you in? 5-6 I think Any new aches or pains? nope, feeling fine.
2. When is your next appointment? Will anything special happen at that appointment? mid-july 1st appt with nurse.
3. What are you looking forward to this week? Wednesday is my b.day!!! Dh took the day off for family fun day!
4. If this is #2 or more; is there anything you'll need besides clothes (if the new baby/ies are the opposite sex)? ?kristalovesjared With this one we will need a new infant seat/crib/ and some other baby items, since i sold everything as W outgrew it.
5. Moms who coupon: how long did it take you to get really "good" at it? How much do you think it saves you each month? ?ikeshawiian06 I use them regualry, and have a good sized stockpile in garage/freezer, not sure how much I save, I only buy what I know we will use or if free i put in a donation section of my stockpile shelves.
6. Mom's of 2 or more. Are you buying a new crib or moving #1 into a big bed? -cmcmillan my question, we are thinking we will be needing another crib as W won't be quite 2.
7. Questions for next week?
TTCing Questions1. What cycle are you on? Waiting to O or 2WW? Cycle 1, 2WW technically, I tested on DPO 10 and got a BFN. 2. What are you looking forward to this week? 4-day work week!!4. What steps are/did others take during the TTC process? I'm trying to lose the last 10lbs. that I gained with Lucy, other than that I take prenatals, and really that's about it. I didn't give up soda or coffee the first time around, just limited it.5. Did people change their exercise routines significantly when TTC? If anything, I felt like I needed to exercise more...but, I wasn't a huge workout person in the first place. 6. Questions for next week? Pregnant Questions4. If this is #2 or more; is there anything you'll need besides clothes (if the new baby/ies are the opposite sex)? We'll likely get a second crib depending on when #2 is due. But, I'd like to keep Lucy in her crib as long as I possible can. Other than that, I tried to get all of our equipment as gender neutral as possible so that we can use it again. We'll also buy a new chair for the nursery since our first one was a cheapy and it was so uncomfortable. I want a good one this time around.5. Moms who coupon: how long did it take you to get really "good" at it? How much do you think it saves you each month? I suck at couponing.
Pregnant Questions
1. What week are you in? Any new aches or pains? Week 9, and nothing new. MAYBE I'm a little less tired..
2. When is your next appointment? Will anything special happen at that appointment? July 12th with my new midwife. We'll ask for a heart beat since we never got in to see the RE at 7 weeks like we meant to.
3. What are you looking forward to this week? Walter comes home after 10 days in Iowa
4. If this is #2 or more; is there anything you'll need besides clothes (if the new baby/ies are the opposite sex)? ?kristalovesjared I want a new crib (don't need one, just want white) and a lot of the "stuff" i donated like bottles, bibs, ect...
5. Moms who coupon: how long did it take you to get really "good" at it? How much do you think it saves you each month? ?ikeshawiian06 I always suck at it
6. Mom's of 2 or more. Are you buying a new crib or moving #1 into a big bed? -cmcmillan I want a new crib because I'm being petty and want white, if you want our old one you can have it, if not I'll sell it a Bumps and Babies.
7. Questions for next week?
***When appropriate, please try to answer the TTC questions as it gives the ladies some insight as well!***
4. What steps are/did others take during the TTC process? Prenatals and just keep track of what goes into your body. My opinion (probably tainted) is if you spend too much time obsessing over what you "should be doing" you'll drive yourself crazy . Just stay in control, everything in moderation.
5. Did people change their exercise routines significantly when TTC? After almost 2 years of this, I've pretty much given up on giving things up. It doesn't really seem to make a difference. I'm fairly certain I'm not going to want to keep running as much as I am once I'm pregnant, but should I be cutting back now? I know running isn't our problem because I didn't start running until over a year into TTC. I needed something to distract me from the whole TTC process. ?tst1998 I changed everything a hundred times and then changed it again when I wasn't sure that was working. I know a girl who got PG after a year when she took her 2 ww off from running, coulda been a fluke though, cuz I tried that a dozne times and it didn't work. all it did was guarantee that I wasn't going to run a half marathon that year with the spotty training schedule.
6. Questions for next week
TTCing Questions
1. What cycle are you on? Waiting to O or 2WW? We're right around O now.
2. What are you looking forward to this week? The long weekend! I am a very lucky girl and have a 5 day weekend.
4. What steps are/did others take during the TTC process? I've got prenatals, hoping to get back on the exercise train this week. What else? I've been around this block so many times now that I really haven't given anything up anymore. When we first started I gave up everything during every 2ww. After months and months I decided that the roller coaster didn't need any more stress and decided to just live. But I think its good to be healthy in general, so if I were just starting out I'd cut back on caffeine and alcohol and try to get more exercise.
If I'm going to give up my beloved soda when I get PG, should I do it now? See response above, don't stop living your life. You don't know how long it will take it could be a month, it could be longer. Just try to cut back. If you usually have two or three a day, then try to just have one.
5. Did people change their exercise routines significantly when TTC? After almost 2 years of this, I've pretty much given up on giving things up. It doesn't really seem to make a difference. I'm fairly certain I'm not going to want to keep running as much as I am once I'm pregnant, but should I be cutting back now? I know running isn't our problem because I didn't start running until over a year into TTC. I needed something to distract me from the whole TTC process. A while ago I had the same question and Kaskade actually had great tips. As for running what I've heard is that if you are a runner, you should have no problems continuing in moderation.
6. Questions for next week? No questions, but a funny from tonight. My mom and I are fairly close, but she's super good with not intruding. I was surprised when she asked tonight how TTC was going and what our plans were (not pushy, just curious). I told her we'd move on to formal treatments after our trip to Germany in Sept but until then we'd keep trying recreationally...DH thought that was bizarre and hysterical that I said that. It was just the best way I could think to describe it in the spur of the moment
1. What week are you in? Any new aches or pains?
somewhere between 5 & 7 (i have very irregular periods). i've been super-super bloated and uncomfy the past few days, with a little bit of nausea.
2. When is your next appointment? Will anything special happen at that appointment?
today! i have a nurses workup appointment today, and on thurs, i have my first u/s (i think).
3. What are you looking forward to this week?
my appts!
4. If this is #2 or more; is there anything you'll need besides clothes (if the new baby/ies are the opposite sex)? ?kristalovesjared
5. Moms who coupon: how long did it take you to get really "good" at it? How much do you think it saves you each month? ?ikeshawiian06
i'm not quite a mom yet, but i have been couponing since november. i *LOVE* it. free stuff every week. i get about $10 worth of free/dirtcheap stuff each week.
6. Mom's of 2 or more. Are you buying a new crib or moving #1 into a big bed? -cmcmillan
7. Questions for next week?
at what week did you tell your friends/family/coworkers/boss?
4. What steps are/did others take during the TTC process? I've got prenatals, hoping to get back on the exercise train this week. What else? If I'm going to give up my beloved soda when I get PG, should I do it now? ?RJM050705 I took prenatals and I gave up caffeine, because I knew it would be a really tough process for me if I waited until I found out I was pregnant. I also stopped taking OTCs other than Tylenol.5. Did people change their exercise routines significantly when TTC? After almost 2 years of this, I've pretty much given up on giving things up. It doesn't really seem to make a difference. I'm fairly certain I'm not going to want to keep running as much as I am once I'm pregnant, but should I be cutting back now? I know running isn't our problem because I didn't start running until over a year into TTC. I needed something to distract me from the whole TTC process. ?tst1998 I didn't change my exercise routine, but once I got pregnant, it's like my body has since shut down and I haven't been able to exercise in four weeks. I'm just hoping that once second tri comes I can at least start walking again.6. Questions for next week?
**Update - I have a new SN. I couldn't edit my profile under the dreamscometrue* name, so I'm now a "newbie" again as mommymeg83
I've made the change.
Pregnant Questions
1. What week are you in? Any new aches or pains?
24, see my rib pain post
2. When is your next appointment? Will anything special happen at that appointment?
tomorrow. Doing the glucose test.
3. What are you looking forward to this week?
Movie today with my mom
4. If this is #2 or more; is there anything you'll need besides clothes (if the new baby/ies are the opposite sex)? ?kristalovesjared
5. Moms who coupon: how long did it take you to get really "good" at it? How much do you think it saves you each month? ?ikeshawiian06
I'm a wife that tries to coupon
6. Mom's of 2 or more. Are you buying a new crib or moving #1 into a big bed? -cmcmillan
Newlywed Athlete Blog
DD Arrived 10/17/2011
2012 Races
Valentine's Day Dash - 5k - 2/11/12 - 34:21
Kirkland 5k - 5/13/12 - 31:59
Pregnant Questions
1. What week are you in? Any new aches or pains? Week 34, nothing new.
2. When is your next appointment? Will anything special happen at that appointment? Tomorrow, nothing special.
3. What are you looking forward to this week? My baby shower This Saturday.
5. Moms who coupon: how long did it take you to get really "good" at it? How much do you think it saves you each month? ?ikeshawiian06 I'm better at it when we're in a slight money crunch, but I'm still learning. First, of course, I stalk online coupon sites and clip every applicable one from the papers. I keep the coupons in my wallet and try to look through it every other day or so (in hopes that when I actually go shopping I'll remember them before I get home with the groceries). I also stock up during special sales (4th of July Sale for example). Hotdogs, buns, ketchup, mustard, ect, will be marked down significantly. GL