Baby Names

Need boy name opinions

I am having a baby boy the end of August and I am torn between two names.  I need some opinions.  We were going back and forth between Barry Beckett (Barry is my husbands name but we would call the baby Beckett) or John Timothy (after both grandfathers).  So I guess its between Beckett or John.  We already have a daughter whose name is Madeline.

 Just not sure if Beckett is too trendy.  What do you think?

Re: Need boy name opinions

  • John Timothy

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  • MAMAxBMAMAxB member
    John is boring to me even though I know it has meaning... can you pick a different middle name for Barry for him to go by?
    evelyn 4.2010 | will 1.2012 | baby BOY due 12.2014
    pregnant and/or breastfeeding since 2009.

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  • Rach21Rach21 member
    TTC #2: My chart
  • Beckett for sure
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  • Not a fan of either, honestly. John Timothy is kind of boring, and I don't think it flows well. Barry Beckett doesn't flow either- I don't like the alliteration. But of all the names, I like Beckett best. I don't care for calling a child by their gets confusing for the child, teachers, etc. I'd go with Beckett as the fn.
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