July 2011 Moms

Those who previously had c-sections....any tips?

I am scheduled for a c-section in a few weeks due to my breech LO and the location of my placenta. I am a little nervous about it, and the recovery. I know it is the best thing for my LO, but not how I planned it. I've talked to a few people who have told me to cushion myself with a pillow if I need to cough/sneeze, and to bring loose fitting panties and jammies with me. Any other tips, ladies? Things that helped you recover?
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Re: Those who previously had c-sections....any tips?

  • Stay on top of your pain meds, even if you *think* you don't need them.

    Get up and walk around. Moving actually helped me feel better.

    Two words: Gas - X. The gas pain was worse for me than the incision in the hospital.

    This is also really random, but when I had my c/s last time, they taped me up so much that the tape was kind of on my upper thighs. I am not a hairy person, and my hair is blonde, so I don't shave there. When they took the super-adhesive tape off, the pulling on those baby hairs was SO painful. Staples? Eh, nothing. Pulling on my baby hairs? I was hysterical. I think the resident wanted to shoot me. So, long , blathering story short, shave your entire leg.

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  • I'd say the best advice is to take it easy and plan ahead of time to have help for a few weeks after.

    The hospital gave me mesh panties that they give to everyone. I just wore the hospital gown while there b/c they said to to air out the scar. But this time, I'm bringing clothes b/c we expect to have more visitors. 

    If possible, have your baby close to your bed for night time feedings so you don't have to get up and down a lot. If you want to BF, you should be able to. Just make sure the hospital knows you want to, so you can do it as soon as possible after the birth. I was holding DD w/in 20 minutes, and she BF'd like a champ! 

    All in all, the recovery wasn't great but it wasn't this horrible thing some people make it out to be. You just have to be prepared to need help for a few weeks. And, you can't drive as long as you're on whatever drugs they give you (percocet, etc.).  

    Also, if you don't have a lengthy labor before it your recovery will probably be better than mine was. I was essentially recovering from both kinds of birth.  


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  • Get up as soon as you can.  It will hurt.  You will feel like you are tearing in half.  Rest assured, the 1st time is the worst and after that it gets MUCH better.

    Stay on top of your pain meds.  If what they give you isn't strong enough, ask for something stronger.  At your 2-week appt, if you are still having pain, ask for more.  Just know, that while you are on pain meds you can't drive.

    Take your stool softener.  Take it daily until you don't have pain pushing out a BM.

    If you are going to BF, bring a boppy.  It will really help you not have to lean.

    If they offer you morphine in your spinal, take it.  It will REALLY help with pain until you start taking your oral stuff.  You can also ask them for anti-itching stuff.  For some reason spinals make your face itch.  

    Ask for nausea medication if you feel even a little nauseated.  Barfing with a cut in your belly stinks. 


    I am 6 weeks postpartum now and feel fine.  The recovery isn't as bad as I thought it would be.  

    Oh, one more thing, get underwear that go ABOVE your incision all the way to your belly button (or just below).  You won't want anything touching that for a good long while.  

    Born at 31w3d due to severe IUGR & Placental Insufficiency--2lbs 3ounces

    We'll miss you sweet Debbie Girl (4.21.12) and sweet Cindy Girl (8.9.12)
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  • Oh yeah, and I had the worst constipation EVER. I think I went 10 or so days without going. And when I did go, I got a hemorrhoid that seriously hurt as bad as labor (I was crying). They told me to take colace stool softener, but that didn't help, nor did any other remedies. I ended up having to use an enema. 

    This may not be unique to a c/s though b/c others who had vaginal births told me the same thing happened. It might be a by-product of labor itself, in which case you might not have to deal with it.  

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  • imagemeg1974:

    Oh yeah, and I had the worst constipation EVER. I think I went 10 or so days without going. And when I did go, I got a hemorrhoid that seriously hurt as bad as labor (I was crying). They told me to take colace stool softener, but that didn't help, nor did any other remedies. I ended up having to use an enema. 

    This may not be unique to a c/s though b/c others who had vaginal births told me the same thing happened. It might be a by-product of labor itself, in which case you might not have to deal with it.  

    Abdominal surgery definitely makes you constipated.  They will ask you if you are passing gas because it your bowels actually stop and it takes them a few days to get going again.  

    I think vaginal delivery stops it because your bowels get all floppy inside (they are used to being around a baby) and they get kinked.  

    stool softener all around for sure (vaginal or c-section).   

    Born at 31w3d due to severe IUGR & Placental Insufficiency--2lbs 3ounces

    We'll miss you sweet Debbie Girl (4.21.12) and sweet Cindy Girl (8.9.12)
    Lilypie Premature Baby tickers

  • The nurses told me to put a pillow under the seatbelt with me in the car, and it makes a huge difference. Those early car rides can be painful! Just keep a pillow nearby to brace your belly for anything, really. Then, basically everything PPs have said is good advice. On top of that, just get as much help as you can. Don't be afraid to rest whenever you need to. If you're BFing, get someone to bring you the baby, do your thing, and then have someone put baby back to sleep if you're just too tired. Just be with your baby and don't sweat ANYTHING else for a while!
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  • Removal of the staples is much easier than it sounds. It was much worse in my mind. When the nurses took out the staples, I asked "is that it?"

    Removal of the tape made me want to b!tch-slap the nurse who was doing it. Holy fvck.

    Take the pain meds, but also take a gas pill and a stool softener to counteract the "side effects" of the pain meds. I didn't poop for 4 days, and when I finally did, I got the "birth experience", if you know what I mean.

    Bring sundresses. I didn't want to see pants (even comfy pants) for at least a week and a half. I lived in cotton, flowey sundresses. I didn't even bother with my own underwear. Just wear the mesh ones the hospital provides (and steal some for when you go home).

    You may find that one section of the incision hurts worse than the rest. For me, it was the left edge. This is normal.

    BFP #1 via IUI ~ L (Fatal Birth Defect) 4/7/10
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  • Thanks so much ladies. This is really helpful. :)
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