Indiana Babies

Can't decide on a mattress

So I can't decide what crib mattress to buy and really need some reviews/advice.  I like the idea of going organic, but I keep reading articles that say don't waste your money.  I don't have a strong preference btw foam or springs- as long as it is a good quality that lasts and is safe.  What are your thoughts on the mattress you have?  

Re: Can't decide on a mattress

  • I'm still deciding myself, but do you have a copy of the Baby Bargains book?  If not, I'll pass along the info they give on the subject...

    Baby Bargains is very pro foam mattress, mainly because it weighs so much less than a coil (easier to change) and is cheaper.  For every product or category, the book gives a Good, Better, and Best option.  Here are their choices for mattresses:

    Good - Sealy Soybean Foam-Core
    Better - Moonlight Slumber's Little Dreamer
    Best - Naturepedic's Organic Cotton Lightweight

    I can't decide if I'm getting the Sealy Soybean or Naturepedic Organic.  The Naturepedic is twice the cost...but since our crib is so reasonable, I'm probably going to spring for organic if for nothing else than my peace of mind. 

    Good luck deciding!

  • Thanks for the help! Just as an update- I did decide to go with the naturepedic.  I'm very excited to finally have made a decision!  If you end up going this route, the website for gives you a free set of quick zipper sheets with the purchase.  
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