Da is 5mo and has his first diaper rash. We have been CDing for about 2 months now. I know not to use regular diaper rash creams with CDs so I have him in a disposable right now. Any advice on how to get rid of it fast and how to prevent it from happening again. Poor little guy usually loves diaper changes but now he cries bc the wipes hurt him

Re: First Diaper Rash Q?
Are you breastfeeding? Spray breastmilk onto it, let it air dry, and it works faster than any cream I've tried. Breastmilk is miracle healing potion when it comes to rashes, cuts, scratches, etc.
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Haley Beth ~ March 3rd, 2011
Wow I wish I would have known that while I was still BF. I had not gotten into CD yet but when M was about 3 weeks old she got an awful burn from Pampers. They were just the normal ones too not the Dry Max. I bet this would have helped it clear up a lot faster. It was because of this that I started considering CD. Now I do it full time and love it.