Cincinnati Babies

Weigh In! (Late)

Here's our tardy weeekly weigh in. There was no weigh in last week because I was unplugged while out of town.

How is everyone doing on her journey?

QOTW: What is your parents' health status? Is your mom or dad overweight (or were they when they were alive if they've passed?)? What did your mom look like at your age? What impact have your parents had on your weight? 

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Re: Weigh In! (Late)

  • Even this week, which lots of people are telling me to view as a victory since I was out of town and frequently people gain when out of town. At least it's not a gain.

    My father is morbidly obese and has done every fad diet, non-fad lifestyle change, medically-monitored program out there short of surgery. He had a massive stroke at the age of 54, suffers high blood pressure and Type 2 diabetes all because of his weight. From my dad I learned to eat something as soon as it gets in the house and eat all of it you want because chances are it won't be around when you go looking for it again. My dad is the kind of person who if you put your sandwich down to take a drink he'll be reaching for your food saying, "Are you done with that? Here, I'll finish it." Growing up with that has made me somewhat possessive and territorial of food. I don't like to share it (even with my kids which makes me sad and embarrassed to admit - I am trying to work on this). It sucked to go to the store and have my mom buy something I loved only to find it gone when I looked for it the next day.

    My mom was always a healthy weight, really until she hit menopause. This makes me nervous since I am overweight now (well before menopause). It makes me scared to think what is going to happen when menopause hits. Will I only be able to eat 800 calories a day to maintain a normal weight then?   

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  • I am fat.  That is all.  Haven't stepped on the scale in ages.  To do so would make me want to crawl in a hole.  I know it is bad.  But I have a strong impetus to turn things around asap. 

    My mother has gone on to better places.  I miss her.   She was a stick figure.  Always slim.   She cooked and ate southern (Paula Deen) food, and stayed slim, without even thinking about exercise.  My Dad had weight issues middle life (truck driver), but is now slim and fit.  He is 70, and backpacks his way through the Smoky Mountains and, now, the Appalachian Trail.  He is fit and walks 100 miles in a week.  I have my Dad's genes.  I need to acquire his go get em attitude to stay more consistent with my exercise.  If I exercise consistently (daily), I lose weight rapidly.  I just haven't been able to keep with it like I know I should. 

    I am looking for good workout videos that strengthen the core.  I have no core these days.  I need to fix that.  I welcome recommendations.

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  • I surprisingly lost last week.  I'm now down a total of 41.5 lbs and I do have some exciting news to share.  I had blood work done last Monday and was taken off 2 of my meds, Januvia and Tricor.  This is a huge accomplishment for me and I'm still beyond excited about it.

    My mother has been overweight her entire life.  She taught me horrible eating habits.  I've had to learn how to eat fruits because they never existed in our house.  Meals were huge, everything was fried and veggies came out of a can and were drown in either butter or bacon fat.  Snacks consisted of chips or chips. Until January, I actually weighed more than my mother and more than she had ever weighed.  Now, I'm down to about what my weight was as a sophomore or junior in high school.  

  • I haven't gotten on the scale since a few weeks ago when I realized I had gained 5 pound since last summer (I could tell clothes were snugger, but seeing the actual number was still depressing). DH is not helping me lately b/c he encourages my love for ice cream...if I can get him into weight-loss mode, it'll be easier b/c we don't be tempting each other.

    Most everyone in my family is overweight/obese, and has been for as long as I can remember. Mom was probably my size when she was my age, but has gained a lot since then. My brother did a complete turnaround in his habits in his early 20s and is now a skinny person who runs in 5Ks and half marathons. I lost 80 pounds 6 years ago but have stalled out since then. I am very much food obsessed, and even though I can recognize the irrationality of some of my feelings, I can't totally override them. I've found the best thing for me is to stay busy--when I've got things to do, I think about food less.

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  • I'm struggling right now. I'm up 1.5lbs this week.  I need to get out of this rut.

    QOTW: My parents are both overweight now, but they weren't when they were my age.  They didn't start putting on weight until their late 30s.  My mom and I are the same size now.  We're the same height and our weight is within a pound or 2.  My mom and I both were diagnosed with high cholesterol last year, and both of us lowered it back to normal with diet and exercise.  My mom is pretty healthy, she runs and tries to be mindful of what she eats. 

    My dad is obese, he eats horribly, and doesn't exercise at all.  He is extremely sedentary, even at his job (he is a welder, but is able to sit when he welds).  His bp, glucose, cholesterol, etc. are all normal somehow, so he thinks he's healthy, but clearly he's NOT.  His mother has type 2 diabetes and heart disease, so he obviously has a family history.

    I wasn't raised making good food choices.  My parents and I were effortlessly thin, so it wasn't something we paid attention to.  I was very active growing up (played volleyball in jr high, ran cross country and track in high school), but I had no sense of portion control, I wasn't eating the right things and I was downing Mt. Dew like no one's business.  Still, because I had never, ever strugged with my weight and my parents were thin, I just assumed I would always be thin.  I couldn't have been more wrong.

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