
(s/o sort of) Question for BF'ing SAHM

Am I supposed to have the baby on some sort of 3 hour schedule of eat/play/sleep by now?  She's 4 months today.

I seem to vaguely remember the other two kids being on a set 3 hour routine during the day by 4 months, but I can't remember if that came about naturally or because I consciously established it around the number of bottles I could leave a day.

If you EBF during the day (no bottles at all), does a pattern ever evolve?

Re: (s/o sort of) Question for BF'ing SAHM

  • I EBF Gracie as I was unable to pump sufficiently anyway. For her at that age, I can remember having a schedule in mind that I tried to adhere to but I also followed her cues. In my experience with BF, I noticed some days she could go 3-4 hours in between, some days only 2 hours. But I can definitely remember trying to get a good mix of naptime, nursing and tummy time down at that age. Of course, she is 4 now so that feels like ages ago.  ;)  HTH.
  • DD is almost 3 months old, and I basically follow EASY if we are at home...really just to give me some structure as to anticipating her needs since I'm not 100% focused on her b/c I have 2 and 4 year old's as well.  We definitely have a pattern of her eating every 3-4 hours during the day, that just tends to be when she acts I didn't create the routine, it just kinda created itself. 
    Jack 3.5.07 / Ethan 9.17.08 / Lauren 4.3.11 image
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  • DD put herself on a loose schedule. She eats about every 3 hours and naps 30-45 minutes after she finishes. She just started taking a predictable morning nap around 930 each morning and she pretty much decided that on her own. I'm trying to get her to nap UN the afternoon at the same time as her brothers. I haven't been too concerned about structure. I feed on demand and follow her cues for naps.
  • My DS ate every two hrs until he was 9 months old, but from what I read on here, that isn't typical.  We didn't really ever seem to have much of a schedule at 4 months from what I recall.  The feedings were always every two hrs, but everything else varied.
    DS1 5/2010, DS2 11/2012
  • I'm sure my DD has a schedule (at 12 weeks), but I haven't figured it out yet. . . She is pretty consistent starting at about 10 p.m.  She sleeps for 3-4 hours, eats, and immediately goes back to sleep.  This repeats until around 9 a.m.  She naps, eats, plays, eats again and then repeats all day, but I haven't taken the time to figure out what her schedule is since her nightime routine works so well for me.  I just follow her cues.  Sometimes, she clusterfeeds in the evenings or wants to eat every hour or two all day long.  I just go with it so long as I can get longer stretches at night.  Wink
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