Baby Names

your name

Since most of us were born in the you see your name on anyone else's favorites list?

My name is older (even Biblical) but I didnt know many others with my name growing up...and dont know any kids with my name...Rebecca (go by Becky and Becca)

What is your name?

Maybe listing our names will help someone think of a name they like! :)


Edit: Since everyone else is listing DH is Jeffrey Allen

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Re: your name

  • I knew a lot of Rebeccas growing up, they all had different nick names thought.

    My name is Alyssa Marie, my DH is Sean Patrick, DS's Faolan Riley, DD's Kieran Danielle.

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  • My name is Molly (go figure). I see Molly all the time, both on babies and dogs. Lots of dogs. However, I see it often now as a stand-alone name, whereas for me (and all the other Molly's I know who are my age) its a nickname for Mary/Meredith/etc. I'm grateful it's just my NN, as I can use my full name for work.
    Cloth-diapering, co-sleeping, breast-feeding, C-section Mama Photobucket
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  • My name is Carly Ann & DH is Michael James.
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  • I'm Rachel Michele. There were about a hundred billion Rachel's growing up but I don't see too many little ones with it. 

    BF is Christian Raymond

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  • I'm Charlyne Nicole. My dad was the one who decided to make Charlene yew-neek. DH is Troy Reed.

     I grew up with no Charlyne's but a ton of Jessicas & Jennifers

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  • My name is Elaine. I've only ever met 1 other person with this as a first name (it's my mom and my MIL's mn). I haven't seen it on many lists, but I have seen variants (Elaina, Elena).
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  • ames71ames71 member

    Well, I was born in '74, but I'll play anyway. Wink

    I have (surprisingly) seen my name pop up on a few lists here (it's Amy). It was wildly overdone during my generation. I can't tell you how many friends I had in high school named Amy, Jennifer or Jessica.

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  • I have seen my name considered here 1 time (it's Aimee).  Of course I have known many Amys in my generation.
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  • Okay Amy...70s and 80s..Sorry! My Dh was born in 77. :)

    I knew a few Amy's but again..jennifer and jessica ruled my generation too..actually they were my two best friends! dh's sister has a unique and pretty name..Cherilyn. I LOVE it!  I would name our daughter that if it wouldnt be confusing! lol


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  • I was born in the 70's but I never see my name, well first name, TyAnna Kristi (tie-anna) and DH is Adam Joseph
  • I'm one of the millions of girls named Jessica!! I was born in '84, and it's Jessica Lynne. Off the top of my head, I can't think of anyone I know IRL under the age of about 10 with the name Jessica.  I think I've seen one person on here who's using the name for her LO.

    DH is Adam Lee.

    ETA: To OP: I do have a 9-yr-old niece named Rebecca (Becca)! I think it's a classic and beautiful name. If my brother & SIL hadn't used it for her, I may be considering it. :)

    Jess & Adam, married 2009, precious Audrey born in 2011. BFP 1/6/13, 6-wk MMC discovered at 9 wks 2/11/13. D&C 2/18/13, second D&C 4/23/13 for retained placenta.
    BFP 8/24/13!! EDD 5/1/14, delivered healthy and sweet Zoey Leanne on 5/5/14 by repeat c-section.
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  • My name is Julia Renee.  I've only known two other Julias.  One was a teacher at my elementary school and I worked with the other one.  My husband is William Russell.
    -Julia, Mom to Liam Russell, Briegan Natalie, & Owen Alexander-
  • 10kris10kris member
    My name is Kristen and i had 3 other kristen/kristin's in my classes in school growing up and now dh's bf wife is Kristin so it gets confusing.  I havent seen it on any boards yet. Definitely an 80's name!!
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  • I'm a 80's baby..Lacey Michelle

    my son is Anthony James

    My Finace is David Christopher

  • Never met another girl with my name. Randall. (nn Randi)
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  • I haven't seen my name, but then I don't really expect to.  I think it's terrible.  Louisa.

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  • Leah Jaunice, I've never meet another with my MN.
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  • dh was born in 80 and had a fairly popular 80s name, timothy. we named our son after him, but really you don't hear kids named tim/timmy/timothy these days.

    my name was fairly uncommon growing up, but i see caroline on people's lists a lot, and just last week met two babies named caroline. it's much more popular now.  

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  • Both DH and I are 80s babies.  My name is Lyndsey Rae, I was one of 5 or so girls in my class with this first name (spelled all different ways), and while I like it I am always surprised to see it on peoples' lists.  I guess to me it is very 80s because it was so popular.  I love my middle name, and I am surprised it has become such a popular filler type of middle name, I have never met anyone with this as a middle name.

    My H goes by his middle name, Hugh.  He hates his first name, Brynn, which when he was born was still mainly a boys name, but since it has gone to the girls lately he does not like it (I personally do not understand this, it is not feminine sounding at all to me).  He started going by his middle name when he went off to college, and I have only known him as Hugh, but a lot of his family and friends from growing up call him Brynn still.   I really like Hugh and am always pleasantly surprised when I see it on here!

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  • My name is Dakota, and I haven't seen it on anyone's list here. It was fairly trendy in the 90's/early 2000's and has since tapered off. Anyways, I think it's dated and parents are now looking for other "unique" place name options such as Aspen and Brooklyn. I'm guessing if anyone did have it on their list that it wouldn't get much support (examples: I hate place names, I hate boy names on girls, It's too much of a girl's name now, All I can think of is Dakota Fanning, etc.).

    SO is Jamie (not James, just Jamie), and that isn't a name I've seen on anyone's list for a boy or a girl. I think nicknames as full names has gone out of style for boys, and it doesn't sound "fresh" or "classic" enough for a girl.

    Names definitely fall in and out of fashion, no?

  • My name is Paula April Lynn.  I grew up in Montreal Quebec, so my names were all pretty unique growing up.

    My DH is Andrew Jason and DS is Maxwell Tristan.


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  • My name: Sarah

    I occasionally see it on someone's list, but it's not too often. 

     Growing up, I didn't know too many other Sarahs. In my class growing up, there was a Sara and there was me (Sarah). It was a small town.


    ETA: My DH is Paul. I see his name on lists a little more often than my name. It's a strong and classic name. I'm always glad when I see it on others' lists.

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  • I am an 80s Lindsey, too. There were tons of Lindsey's at my high school, all spelled differently. I used to wish I spelled it "Linzie."

    The youngest Lindsey I've heard of is about 11 or 12. 

    BFP #1: 3.28.11 Dx w/ PIH @ 24w DS Born @ 36w: 11.7.11 6 Days in NICU
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  • imagelageorgiapaperie:

    I am an 80s Lindsey, too. There were tons of Lindsey's at my high school, all spelled differently. I used to wish I spelled it "Linzie."

    The youngest Lindsey I've heard of is about 11 or 12. 

    Haha, I used to wish I had a cool spelling with a Z in it too!  I know a Lyndsey that is 4, she is the youngest one I know, and funny thing is her name is Lyndsey Rae just like mine, spelled the same way too.  Total coincidence, I work with her dad, met him and her when she was 2.

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  • My name is Sarah Elise.  I knew a lot of Sarah's growing up.  I still see it occasionally on lists here, but not too often.  I see variants of it such as Sadie much more frequently.  

    My DH is Christopher Blades.  The middle name is a family name for him so it wasn't just his dad trying to make him sound bad@$$ or anything.  He hates his full name and will only answer to Chris.  I think his name is a classic.   

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  • My name is Anna Michelle, I often see Anna on this board and on others :)
  • My name is Cami Marie. 
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  • My name is Sierra. Born in 82. Growing up I never met another Sierra, and I loved it. Now people tell me all the time they have granddaughters with the name. It makes me sad it's become more popular. Because I'm selfish like that. When Iv seen it on this board it usually gets negative responses.
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  • Born in '86, and my name is Michelle. I think I've seen it mentioned as a potential baby name once or twice, but rarely. It was so dang common when I was growing up that maybe people are tired of it.

    The husband's name is Brandon, and I haven't seen people listing that name as one they want for their new baby, either...

     Edit: Our middles names are Kathleen (after my grandmother) and Zackery (no idea where they got that). I like both of those names and have considered them for my own future children.

  • My name is Kelsey. I grew up being  the only kelsey at my school, but now I know of a lot more kelseys. My DH is Blake. I know alot of blakes both boy and girl now.

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  • I am Jennie Marie and my DH is Jay Imre.  Imre is Hungarian and a family name.


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  • My name is Kaitlyn Amanda, I go by Kaity though. DH's name is Casey Wayne. We were both born in the late 80s
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  • I was born in '80 and my name is Heather. It was in the top 10 that year, but I never went to school with any other Heathers until HS...and even then, she was a senior when I was a freshman. I grew up in a mostly Hispanic neighborhood, so we had alot of Marias & Gabriellas.

    I have a seen a lady on the Nest with a (maybe 3 or 4 yr old) DD named Heather. 

    I also have a goddaughter that was named after me. She is 12.

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  • Born in '81 named Katie.  Not Katherine.  Just Katie.  I actually do not like that I am just Katie, so it's something to think about if you are considering naming your LO a nickname.  People try to correct my paperwork all the time saying, "Please write your full/given first name."  I know.  I did.  I do, however, love my middle name which is more unique: Jonell. 
  • My name is Rachel Suzanne, my sister's name is Abigail (Abby) Sarah. My DS is Joshua (Josh) Marc and our son is Liam Ralph (Ralph after my grandfather). 
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  • My name is still around, although most people seem to be choosing Julia to Julie now.
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  • My name is Margaret and I have always gone by Maggie. I very rarely met anyone named Maggie growing up. Its not hugely popular now, but I meet more young girls with my name now than anyone my age. I could never find anything personalized with Maggie (only Margaret) when I was younger, but now its on tons of personalized stuff so its definately more popular.

    DH is Erik, which was very high in popularity when he was born but not so much now.

  • Me: Jessica Lee

    DH: Jeremy Frank 

    Jeremy's full name is Jeremiah 

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  • DH and I are both early 80s - my name is Jasmine Sara (that's a pre-disney Jasmine!) and DH is David Ricardo! Growing up I knew a couple of other Jasmines and practically everyone in DH's family is named David.  I don't see our names on here very often. 
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  • Me: Sarah Elizabeth (1983)

    DH: Evan James (1983) 

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