Got called to day care early today because Miles was not having a good afternoon, didn't nap well, just not himself.
I get there and his eyes are red and swollen and watering everywhere, as is his nose. But no temperature, no ear-tugging, no coughing.
Teachers said they noticed his eyes watering up after lunch, he didn't nap well and then it got worse over the afternoon, particularly after they went outside and put sunscreen on him and he kept rubbing his eyes. I think that just made things worse.
My question is, I can't think of what this could be except maybe the start of seasonal allergies??
I gave him some allergy medicine when we got him and his eyes, etc. looked a lot better when he finally went to bed. I hope he doesn't wake up this way.
Re: When did your kids develop seasonal allergies?
It SHOULD be the same stuff they put on him every day, but I'm thinking he's probably not rubbing his eyes like he was today. Hmmm...
Nora Judith 7/2/06 Miles Chauncey 4/20/09 born with Trisomy 21 - Down syndrome
I bet he was crabby and didn't sleep well. So, when they took him outside, he was rubbing his eyes (and got sunscreen in them). My nephew used to do stuff like that allllll the time when he was sleepy.
That said--my older daughter for sure displayed allergy symptoms by 1.5 years old. I hope he feels better