Rom doesn't want to get the Baby Jogger City Select until after the new baby comes, just in case wearing the new baby and putting Margaux in our current stroller works well enough that we wouldn't need to get a double. I keep pushing him to get it now, but really I do see his point. I just want a new stroller, it's pretty.
Well, considering the fact that #2 is coming in a month.. you don't have long to wait!
Have you tried garage sales or Craigslist? I've found some great, expensive stuff that way.
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I did look, but they don't have a PURRRRPLE one. I'll stop pushing him, it really does make sense to wait. It is pretty, though, have you seen it?
Factoring in the car seat adapter and the second seat kit, it's around 700-800. We'd sell the Bugaboo, but I can't see getting more than 250 for that. It's seen a lot of use.
700-800! Yoiks!
Still, when we were in the UK the wife of one of DH's friends - who has a 3 year old and a one month old - wanted to replace her Paul Frank Bugaboo for the new double Bugaboo and was disappointed when DH's buddy said no and got a stand-on adapter for the Bugaboo they already have.
Oh, and the new Bug goes for 1400 POUNDS! Crikey!
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SIL inherited one and loves it except for the fact that she lives in London and it's hard to get on/off tubes, busses and trains as it weighs a ton.
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Hey Peppernut.. good to see you on this board, too...
We got the 2010 city select on sale at but my hubby won't let me take it out of the box yet.. "just in case". We got the red single..with carseat adapter and extra brackets (for about $400 total) and I'm hoping to buy the purple seat for Bernadette (it's prettier and little bigger) if she'll stay in it by then. I think it will look kind of fun to have two different color seats!! I know someone who has it, uses it.. and LOVES it.
I think you are right and you need to plan things in advance. You never know how long it takes for the stroller to arrive. You don't want to wait for weeks when the baby is already here and you realize she hates the carrier.